An unexpected uncounter

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You had talk for almost the whole hour. But after a while you had to go. He had gave you some bonus assignement to do for tomorrow. He even told you that with how interesting your life was and your interest for his classyou could became his favorite student.

You were in your thought once again as you were walking to your new class. It was with Miss Sheek and with what Castor told you about her needs of attention, you did a list to all the thing you could or couldn't say in front of her. You were so lost in your thought that you didn't see the personn in front of you.

You bumped into someone and fell hard on the ground. This situation had a taste of deja vu.

"What's up with you people? It's the second time someone bumped into me, why can't you people just watch were you're going ?"  Aric asked. He looked pretty mad but he didn't even looked at you. He was looking in front of him and didn't seem to mind you.

"You don't expect me to help you up?" He said. Then his eyes turned to meet yours. "Oh! It's you again. Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" His eyes held a curious light.

You didn't know how to answer him. You knew yo were not supposed to skip class and you started to wonder if Castor could help you now that you were in trouble.

"I don't have all day to way miss." His voice sent a shiver down your spine. He had gotten close to you and since you were still on the floor he was looking at you like if you were a small prey. "Do you intend on staying the whole day on the floor or are you gonna get up some day?"

You got up to stare at him in the eyes. His held a weird light, like if he was enjoying this situation, the fear he provide you and the thing it he was planning to do to you since it was the second time you were bumping in him.

"I' so sorry Dean Aric, I didn't mean to bumped into you again." You apologied, his smile felt more like a devilious grin now.

"I hate to repeat myself so answer tthe question I asked you, it would be a shame to send you to the Doom room for something tha probably have a logical answer."

"I was asking question to Castor and I didn't look at the time so I've spent almost the whole hour talking with him so I decided to head too my next class with Miss Sheek instead of going to Pollux class" You replied staring at your feet, shaking a bit out of fear. You didn't know if he was going to let you go with that sort of excuses but you deeply hoped. It was partly true so you could answer question if he would asked you some but the rules were clear enough to let you sure to have a punishment for that.

"Ow! Poor little thing forgot to check her watch" He said, taking a little higher tone. He placed his finger beneath your chin to lift you chin and make you look at him. "I thought I told you last time to look at me in the eyes." 

"I'm sorry..." You started but he raised his hand to stop you.

"If I don't see you before lunch, come to the dean office. I would like to discuss with you about the punishment you'll have for breaking the rules and for bumping into me twice."  He said.

Great,it was your first day and you already picked the attention of two teachers. And one of them seemed to find you or your capacity to bumped into him very annoying. 

"Of course, dean Aric." You said, looking back at the ground, but he hummed and you looked back at him

"Better. Now go to class before I sent you to the Doom room." He said and then he started to leave. "I'm being serious."

You head to the opposite direction as fast as possible and ran to the class

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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