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Mafuyu Rui and tsukasa still where hiding for Nene and the Queen

But tsukasa just got a call of emu if there can perform again so

"Hmm! Okay!" Tsukasa said too the phone

"Hey guys! i be going!" Tsukasa shouted stood up from his sit and was about too go

"Hey hey tsukasa i wanne go two!" Rui said while smirking

"You don't even know what i am going too do" tsukasa said

"What than?" Rui said being curious

"Oh i am going too perform a show with emu!" Tsukasa said smirking at himself

"Perform a show? Oh what you guys did when I first saw you!" Rui said in exited

"Yes why so exited?" Tsukasa said going a bit backwards Rui come too close

"Can I perform with you guys" Rui said

"Ehh..." Tsukasa said

But soon then emu jumped on tsukasa

"WANDAHOII!" She said

"Ouwhh! don't jump so suddenly on me!" Tsukasa said irritated

"Oh hahaha sorry! Oh hey Rui where are the rest?" She was looking around

"There inside" tsukasa said pointing at a door

"Btw emu do you agree with me perform with you guys" Rui said


"Your sure emu?" Tsukasa said

"Only us two is too much work are you good in acting Rui!" Emu said

"Huh i never did but i like making robots!" Rui said

"What I didn't know Rui?" Tsukasa said

"Omg that is so wandahoii cool!!" Emu said jumping in excitement

"Haha didn't you see some weird things in my room than tsukasa" Rui said

"Huh I forget what was in your room" Tsukasa said

"Oh fufu~ that's okay shall we go than" Rui said

"I didn't agree with it!" Tsukasa said still standing while the others where walking

"Aawh come on tsukasa! Look he really wants too do shows two!" Emu pointed at Rui having a sad cat face

"Eeh i think about it!" Tsukasa said

"YAYAYA SO THAT'S A YES RUI!" Emu said jumping on rui

"Hehe" rui said laughing a bit

"I SAID I THINK ABOUT IT!" Tsukasa shouted

"I take it as a yes hehe" Rui said

"Ughh alright!" tsukasa said in a irritated way


The 3 walked too some Village close too there village

"Whaha look that's where we perform!" Tsukasa said

"Ohhh i can't wait i've never been on stage" Rui said

The first thing there needed too do was choose a good story where the show is going about

"Anyone any ideas?" Tsukasa said

It seems like Rui has one

"Me! Fufu~ what about that one story about that sea creature named Hino" Rui said

"I just can't kill you" |Ruikasa au|Where stories live. Discover now