Chapter 4

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Kaniss pov.

Afterward, Haymitch introduced us to Ceader and Chaff the pair from 11. I notice that Chaff doesn’t talk much and only has one arm. He surprises me by grabbing my face and kissing me. Haymitch laughs “He’s very friendly. Just don’t invite him over, or he’ll drink all your liquor” We walk onto the elevator, and the girl from seven Johanna comes in. “You guys looked amazing” “Thank you”, I say. “My stylist is such an idiot district seven, lumber trees, I’d love to put my ax in her face” I don’t know how to respond to that. “So what do you think now that the whole world wants to sleep with you” “I don’t think that the whole world wants to..” Not you”, She says, cutting me off. “Unzip”, she asks Peeta, turning around. “Sure”, Peeta says. Johanna slips off her dress and is now standing completely nude, I would cover Prim’s eyes, but she’s seen plenty of naked people from working with mom in 12. She does, however, catch Rory staring and elbows him in the rib. Rory quickly looks away. But it’s clear she’s still angry with him. The elevator stops, and Johanna gets off “Let’s do this again, some time ”

That night, I lie in bed watching Prim sleep. How am I going to save her? She has to be the victor that’s the only option, if I win, then what? I’ll have nothing and no one Prim is needed more than I am.

The next morning I’m woken up to Effie pounding on our door. “Up, up, up!” She says opening the door “It’s going to be a big big big day” Prim groans. “Come come now, get up, get dressed!” “You get up, you get dressed”,  Prim grumbled  Effie looked confused “I am up dear”, She said. “She gets a little cranky in the mornings”, I say.  “Well,” Effie says with a capitalized accent.”Come now get up get dressed, breakfast is waiting” She leaves and I shake Prim and run my hand through her hair “Come on Prim we gotta get up”  Prim groans again and sits up rubbing her eyes. Our training outfits have been left on the dresser. I go to the bathroom to change and Prim changes in the bedroom.
We then meet Peeta, Rory Effie, and Haymitch for breakfast. "Excuse me", Prim says to an avox, "Can I please have some more juice?"  The avox nods and fills Prim's glass. "There's no need to be polite to them deary" "They're here because they're traitors to the Capital" Prim looks at Effie, "Well, they didn't do anything to me and they're still people"  Effie doesn't say anything else and I look at the avox who has tears in her eyes and because it's probably the first time in a long time someone acknowledged her as a human being.

We arrived at the training center and I'm surprised by how empty it was, only about half the tributes showed up. And only a few of the ones that did show up are bothering to train. Prim and I go off to find something she can do. "Hey, 12", We turn to see Johanna and her partner "I was just wondering can you do a backflip" She was talking to Prim, not me. Prim nodded "Let's see,"  Johanna says. "Okay", Prim says. She does a backflip and Johanna looks impressed then walks away.  “That was random”, I say. Prim nods.

Prim pov.
Katniss told me I need to learn to use a weapon I consider asking her to show me how to use a bow, but those don’t feel right.  I walk over to the knives and notice a pair that don’t look like the others. They’re three-pronged and they look too large to be throwing knives “Sais,” the trainer says. “They’re not usually seen in the arena but you never know” She shows me how to hold them. She shows me how to hold them alright. She says let’s see what you’ve got. She takes a long knife and lunges at me but I block her with the sais and push her away. She slashes at my legs but I jump back. “You’re supposed to attack back,” She says with a small chuckle. “Don’t worry I’m padded. I smile and do as she says she blocks all of my attacks and I block hers. Our knives clanking against each other the room has gone silent but I try to ignore it she goes to stab me but I block her with my sais I then swing my foot under her causing her to fall and drop her knife. I help her up and she smiles. “You’re a natural, I look around and notice everyone watching me Katniss looks dumbstruck.

Katniss pov
I watch Prim spar with the trainer in awe. I didn't know my sister could fight like that. Maybe she has a chance after all. I walk over to the pair of three trying to start a fire.  They’re having trouble so I show them how to do it.  “Thank you”, Beetee says. “By the corner of the table”, Wiress says. “Plutarch,” I ask, “No”, she says “next to him”  “Forcefield, Beetee says “Electromagnetic”  After talking to Wiress and Beetee I walk up to Mags ''That's beautiful”, I say referring to the fishhook she’s making. “I saw you volunteer for that young girl, that was really brave” She mumbles something and puts her hand on my shoulder giving me a small smile. “If you show me how to make a fish stick I could teach you how to hunt” I offer.

“You wanna try with me”, I asked handing her a bow, she shakes her head no and gestures for me to go, “Okay, I’ll go first”

Prim pov.
I’m watching Rory at the hand to hand combat station he’s sparing with the trainer he’s doing well Gale must’ve worked with him before we left I notice a lot of the tributes standing around watching something I go over and see that they’re watching Katniss hit a bunch of hologram targets with a bow and arrow I watch as she shoots targets and summer salts to dodge them and their weapons. I aways Katniss was good with a bow but she’s killing it, literally. She stops and notices everyone watching her I almost laugh at the self-conscious look on her face 

“Psst” “Psst” I turn around to see Rory standing behind a corner beckoning me over to him. I sigh and walk up to him. “What,” I ask “He pulls me into an area with no cameras “Look”, he says “I know you’re mad but stop being mad, I don’t want to spend what could be our last days together ignoring each other and you giving me death glares” “You think I like being mad at you?” “I know you didn’t volunteer just because I’m your friend I have other guy friends who didn’t even try to volunteer. Why would you be any different”  “You're right," he says  "That's not the real reason", " Then what," I ask? He then does something that catches me off guard; he slams his lips against mine. I find myself kissing him back he pulls away "That’s why", he says walking away leaving me standing there shocked.

Rory pov (Short)
I’ve had a crush on Prim ever since I was 10 when she was chosen for the second time. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, I volunteered before I even really knew what I was doing. I just couldn’t stand the thought of not being close to her,

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