Ch 24

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"Go to bed early, Captain Rong."

Later, Rong Yi also saw the exhausted and sleepy Xiao Yin, released him and went back to bed obediently, sleeping alone.

Xiao Yin's hot breath still lingered on his lips after their second conscious kiss, although Xiao Yin himself might not have been very awake.

Rong Yi sat there absent-minded for a while, then turned back to see that Xiao Yin had already wrapped himself in a blanket and fallen asleep deeply.

He couldn't write anymore, got up quietly, washed up silently, and climbed onto the bed from the other side.

In adult relationships, there isn't much need for explanation. When Xiao Yin retreated to his room, he didn't object, and both knew they just meant to share a bed.

However, both also knew that their relationship was more about cooperation than love. Nothing would happen during the competition period.

They both were accustomed to leaving a little night light on, Rong Yi turned off the lamp on Xiao Yin's bedside and left the hallway light on, the warm-colored light spread dimly, extending to Xiao Yin's back before disappearing into nothingness.

Xiao Yin slept facing him with good posture, his eyes closed and lips tightly shut, his handsome facial features softened by the darkness, and his black lashes appeared extremely long.

Rong Yi admired the beautiful man for a while before wrapping himself up and closing his eyes.

Old memories haunted him in his dreams.

But it was no longer about the various top-level conflicts with RS, just the encounter with Xiao Yin.

At that time, RO was still a dominant team in the league. One day, when he went to the league office with Lin Yi, they happened to come across RO playing a regular match against another team.

Glancing at the game, Rong Yi remarked, "RO has a new jungler? He's pretty fierce."

As one of the few coach-level players in the league, he could see the essence of everything at a glance. RO's new jungler was unstoppable, while the other members of the team played steadily.

Recently, they had been biting RO very tightly in regular matches. The RO coach had put a lot of effort into targeting them, and Rong Yi had a headache for a long time.

"Their new jungler doesn't seem to be integrating well with the team. How long has it been?" Rong Yi asked casually.

Lin Yi then mentioned, "Yeah, it's not going well. He's been in the youth training program for three months, but he's still a lone wolf, and there's a lot of conflict with the team."

Rong Yi became interested and said, "What's his name? Why don't you come to our RS? I'll see if I can poach him. I can't stand to see talented people go to waste."

Joking aside, he did have some thoughts about poaching players. RS had just reorganized and was in desperate need of players. He flew all over the country every day to find players.

He was in desperate need of players, but he also had very high standards. After Lin Yi left, he took advantage of his position as captain of the RS team and snuck into the arena midway through the game.

The new player, Yin, was a genius among geniuses, an unbeatable god among the new generation of players.

After watching the game, Rong Yi was determined to pursue his idea. He had a bad relationship with RO due to being enemy teams, so if he directly approached them, RO would never release their player. So that day, he waited patiently for a long time and finally caught up with Xiao Yin in the player restroom.

Xiao Yin was dressed in black that day, with a black mask, standing tall and cold, not looking at anyone. He was washing his hands at the sink, and Rong Yi followed suit, pretending to wash his hands too. Xiao Yin was washing his hands slower than usual, and Rong Yi stopped pretending, turning off the tap and waiting for him until his cold and sharp eyes glanced over.

Rong Yi solemnly handed him a business card and said, "Hey handsome, have you heard of the RS team?"

Xiao Yin had a good temper and was very cold, and at first, he didn't pay much attention to him. However, Rong Yi bombarded him so much that he was finally invited out a few times to talk.

Rong Yi had forgotten what they talked about, but he probably promised him many things, such as how he could achieve much more by following him, the only active world champion. Xiao Yin probably didn't listen much, but they did eat many meals and drink several cups of coffee together, and gradually began to chat online.

A week later, Rong Yi failed to lure him to their team, and he ended up falling for Xiao Yin himself. He called Lin Yi and said, "Brother, I can't sleep if I don't see Xiao Yin every day."

Lin Yi said, "I can't sleep seeing your behavior now. We used to worry about finding a girl for you to date, but now I see you're on a narrow path."

Feeling embarrassed, he hung up the phone and sheepishly confessed to Xiao Yin the next day.

Xiao Yin didn't react much, he just said, "Got it."

Rong Yi asked, "What does 'got it' mean?"

"It means I'll be with you," Xiao Yin displayed his usual businesslike demeanor, and emphasized, "But I'll decide where I go."

Rong Yi thought it was fine. After all, love is love, and being in different teams is a career, two separate things.

Rong Yi slept well, but Xiao Yin was still asleep when he woke up.

Rong Yi had a splitting headache, and when he checked his phone, he realized he had only slept for five hours. Despite going to bed late, his biological clock woke him up early and made it difficult for him to fall back asleep.

He checked his messages, and Lin Yi had sent him a message, "Is VIT going today? I'm also going back to the league area today, can I hitch a ride with you?"

Rong Yi replied, and sent the contact information for the assistant's team, "Sure, I'll let them know."

"No need to bother, I'll come find you. When we get there, big brother will treat you to a massage!" Lin Yi said, "Which room are you in?"

Looking at the sleeping Xiao Yin across from him, Rong Yi quietly said, "I'm in Brother Yin's room."

"....?" Lin Yi was puzzled for a moment, then after half a minute, he typed out with difficulty, "Then where should I go?"

Rong Yi remained calm, "That's why I told you to contact our assistant group."

Lin Yi didn't reply and went to contact the assistant group instead. It was a small matter to hitch a ride, as Xiao Yin had chartered a flight and even the family members of the assistant group had a seat, so there was more than enough room to squeeze in Lin Yi.

Rong Yi scrolled through his fan messages for a while, and after five minutes, Lin Yi replied, "Done, I'll come find you guys at noon. If you don't mind, you can tell Xiao Yin that I'll treat you guys to lunch with some body conditioning and massage in the afternoon."

Rong Yi replied, "Okay, I'll tell him when he wakes up. Today is our last day off."

The keywords Rong Yi used in his reply contained a lot of information.

Lin Yi tossed and turned in the other hotel ten kilometers away, and after thinking for a long time, he couldn't help but ask, "Have you guys slept?"

Rong Yi responded with silence.

Rong Yi: "."

Without expression, Rong Yi replied, "No, it's not the off-season."

Lin Yi quickly grasped the point, "So you guys, during the off-season, will go crazy..."

Upon seeing Lin Yi's words, Rong Yi's hand trembled and the phone silently fell into the bed. He picked it up and sent a "wow" expression with a beating bear sticker. Then he blushed and denied, "No, he won't do that."

"Don't overthink it."

Lin Yi began to worry, "You are both men, and since you have established a relationship and are on the same team, it's only a matter of time. I'm just worried that your relationship won't be like it used to be after getting back together. If he doesn't touch you, will he go out and fool around?"

Rong Yi has had a good relationship with Lin Yi for many years and knows that Lin Yi is considering him.

He thought about it.

This possibility does exist, but Xiao Yin won't go out and fool around. Someone who is obsessed with cleanliness won't play around outside.

However, whether he will maintain a superficial relationship with Xiao Yin while having a fixed lover on the side is also hard to say. Of course, this is the most extreme situation.

The current situation should be that Xiao Yin doesn't have the time or energy to be in a relationship or to do anything to him. They'll just focus on getting VIT up, and then part ways on good terms.

"If we end up sleeping together, then being friends with benefits seems okay too. At least Xiao Yin is honest and won't mess around, and I won't lose out either," thought Rong Yi, feeling relieved at the idea.

He shared his thoughts with Lin Yi, who still seemed worried. "But Xiao Yin is a man. Although I won't ask about your private matters, how does himself?"

"Probably the same way he did in the past 20 years, he'll just do it now," Rong Yi answered uncertainly.

Lin Yi was speechless.

Rong Yi looked up and glanced at Xiao Yin. The sun was already shining brightly, and it was still early in the morning. He couldn't say for sure how strong Xiao Yin's desire was, but based on past experiences, it was probably quite strong since Rong Yi would usually feel half-dead afterwards.

But Xiao Yin is very rational and won't let these things affect his life, nor will he deliberately think about it.

In the beginning, what attracted Xiao Yin to him was his calmness and abstinence, as well as his decisive attitude towards the highest returns on the racecourse without any hesitation.

Xiao Yin also holds the record for driving audiences and commentators crazy in various major competitions. With him, many other competitors would be left with no choice but to give up halfway, but no one has ever escaped from him in the most extreme high-stress situations.

The reason is simple: once Xiao Yin starts to pursue someone, he will pursue them until the end. If he can't catch them, he won't kill them.

As Rong Yi thought further and further, he suddenly realized that Xiao Yin had already opened his eyes. His deep, dark eyes were staring at him, and when Xiao Yin's gaze turned back to him, Xiao Yin said, "Good morning."

Rong Yi's hand trembled again, and his phone fell into the sheets. He reached out to grab it, but the hotel's sheets were very slippery, and his phone had already slipped into Xiao Yin's side. Xiao Yin bent down to look for it, but the room was dark, and he couldn't see anything. After searching for a while, he couldn't find it. Rong Yi leaned over to search.

His head was next to Xiao Yin's chest, searching for a while, and finally found his phone near their knees.

Xiao Yin didn't move, but Rong Yi could hear his breathing slightly increasing. It was clearer than before, but still very stable.

A Broken Mirror Reunited in an E-SportsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ