𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟓

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a few days have gone by, Axe kept on pissing Elfie off more each day. She didn't know what to do, what made him so angry at her? Reznik told them to get dressed, she told them that they were going out onto the field, to fight the Others. Elfie wasn't afraid to get changed out in the open, being there really changed her. but she went to the bathroom anyways, leaving the door open wide. perhaps she just wanted the attention of Axe. she felt his stares all over her body, looking at every curve that was there."  see something you like?" Elfie turns around to face Axe who stood at the doorway, still being topless." and what if I do?" he smirks, slowly walking over to her. he stops Infront of her before slowly backing her up against one of the shower walls by the door. Axe ducks his head down to brush his lips against Elfie's. She couldn't take it anymore. she had to have him right there, right now. she crashes her lips against his, hungrily. " Oh my god!!" a voice snapped them apart. Flintstone stood there at the door, mouth agape. Elfie hurries to put her shirt back on." you - her- you" the smirk never left Axe's face as Flintstone stutters." what's taking so long?! c'mon!!" Reznik yells from the other side of the room.

as soon as they got outside, they started running for the helicopter one by one. " where's Nugget and Teddy?" Ringer yells over the Noice." food poisoning" Zombie replies. Elfie furrows her eyebrows. they looked fine when she saw them that morning. The helicopter lifted up into the air, flying over the burning buildings. " You clear on your orders?"  the lady asked Zombie. Elfie doesn't know her name, if she even said it or not. "Infiltrate enemy's hornet nest, verify enemy and terminate." he yelled back. the lady nods in aprovement" Remember, The Other light up green in your visors. At mission complete, signal for extraction. we'll get ya home." she said, reminding them. Elfy sighs, adjusting her gun before putting her visors on. 

The helicopter starts going down, meaning its time.  everyone hops out, walking to inspect the area.  Zombie guides them to a broken-down car. stopping there, he holds his balled firsts up, signalling stop. he checks the map before signalling the rest, except for Elfie, to hide behind another car. the two quietly keeps an eye out before running to where the rest was. " Holy shit! it's working. you guys, I got two of em' straight ahead" Flintstone says, getting over the window of the car. he tries to grab Elfie's hand for comfort, but Axe pushes him off, giving him a hard glare. " Got you, you motherf-." Ringer was cut off by shooting coming their way. they all duck." I peed. I definitely have peed!" Dumbo says, but no one paid him attention. Elfie aims before shooting" return fire!" Zombie yells out. everyone else ducks, leaving only Ringer and Elfie to shoot.  Ringer looks off to the side, seeing an Other heading straight for them" coming this way!" she alerts. as much as Elfie wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up, she decided not to. 

" they're everywhere!" Elfie yells, panting." run for the alley!!" Zombie yells. " Go! go! go! go!"  they all made a run for it, " stay low!" Zombie yells and leans against a white wall." shut the fuck up!" Elfie yells in frustration as she shoots, trying to concentrate. " Get to the bus, now!" Zombie yells, ignoring Elfie. they made a run for it again, climbing into the bus. But not Elfie. she stayed by the wall and continued to shoot." Elfie cmon!" Axe yells, wondering why she didn't come" No!" she yells back," my sister's dead by now by these motherfuckers!" Elfie yells as tears threatened to spill. Axe groans before picking her up bridal style" hey! - let go of me!!" Elfy hits and kicks to get him to let go but he didn't. he didn't stop running until he got her to safety, even after he got to the bus. he made sure to hold Elfie encase she tried to run back. 

" where's teacup?" Oompa asks as he looks over his teammates. " where's teacup? we lost teacup!" he starts to panic but the said girl crawls out from behind a seat "over here!" She said in fright. "don't do that! don't scare me like that!" just as Oompa said that he falls to the ground. a big red shot wound in his chest." oh my gosh!" Elfie yells as she stared at the scene. " Oompa's been shot!" 

" Down, down, now, now, down, down!" Zombie yells. Elfie crawls in a fatal position causing Axe lay down above her. " he's not breathing" Elfie covers her ears, she didn't want to be there anymore. she didn't want to be Elfie anymore, she wanted to be Maya again. Elfie blocked out the noises as best as she could. she felt Axe get off of her, before she felt small soft hands hugging her. she recognized it as teacup. the taller girl hugs her back, both crying together. " We can't stay here, they'll be back" Ringer made a point. " That alley way, we'll have cover there" Zombie suggest, looking at Ringer only for her to shake her head "No, it's too far" she says." if we're out in the open that long, they'll pick us off one by one" She did make a point, Elfie brushes Teacup's hair out of her face, gently rubbing her head" then what are we supposed to do?!" Elfie asks, looking both between Zombie and Ringer" we need a distraction" Zombie says. " okay" Ringer says.

"Okay what?" Zombie asks, leaning in closer to hear her. Ringer pauses" ill distract them" Ringer replies, looking down. "When i tell you to run, you run as fast as you can. Now cover for me" Ringer plans before running off. "What? -" Zombie says, going back to shooting the Others again. Elfie felt confused on why Ringer decided to save them but brushed the thought off, she quickly stood up and helped Zombie shoot. "Listen up" Zombie pauses to speak" on my go, haul ass to the alleyway" Zombie orders. Teacup looks at him with teary eyes" back out there? are you crazy?" Elfie felt bad for the little girl, but she had to obey what Zombie says. " Listen teacup. you just got to trust me, okay?" Zombie crouches down Infront of the little girl" your gonna run and don't look back" Zombie didn't give her time to reply before walking off. "Wait we can't just leave Oompa!" Elfie grabs Zombie's arm, turning him around to face her" he's dead Elfie, we gotta leave him" Zombie said softly. Elfie opened her mouth to speak but Ringer cut her off" Zombie now! Run!"

" Haul ass!" Zombie orders, opening the bus doors" Go! Go! Go!" Zombie chants as they all run out to the alleyway. The bus explodes behind them as they ran. Elfie never looked behind her. Zombie leads them inside of a building and upstairs. " stairs" Zombie orders" got it" some went to the stairs. Elfie went with Axe and Zombie to clear the space "clear!" Zombie yells out once he saw it was empty.  Elfie went to find Teacup" are we still alive?" She asks Elfie." yeah of course we are" Elfie smiles at the panicked girl. the door opens causing everyone to be on alert, pointing their guns at the door" don't shoot! its Ringer" Ringer walks through the door, " I'd hug you if i didn't think you'd punch me in the nuts for it" Flintstone said as Ringer ignored him. She went to sit down next to Zombie" so what do we do now?" He asks. " None of this makes sense" she said, confused. " They knocked planes out of the sky and cause earthquakes, but they're scared of an army of children?" Ringer asks, that did sound fishy to Elfie. " there's something Vosch isn't telling us" Ringer takes her gun straps off, slowly taking her gear off "okay, I'm not risking my life for this" she says.

" Ringer, what are you doing?" poundcake asks as she unstraps her helmet. "I'm unenlisting" she takes her pocketknife and slides it against the tracker that was in her neck. she takes it off" I'm better out there on my own" she says." if you know what's best for you, you'll do the same" Dumbo backs away in fright, yelling" Holy shit! What the hell is this?!" he asks as he tries to get away from Ringer." zombie, you see this?" " she's green!" everyone starts panicking and pointing their guns at her as a green parasite appears on Ringer" what the hell, you guys!?" She points her gun towards them as well. " Put your guns down" she tries to order them. " Your one of them! you're an alien!" Dumbo shouts, Ringer furrows her eyebrows" what are you talking about? I just saved your asses!" she shouts in confusion.

𝐶𝑎𝑛'𝑡 𝐶𝑎𝑡𝑐ℎ 𝑀𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑤( 𝑇ℎ𝑒 5𝑡ℎ 𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒: 𝖡𝗈𝗈𝗄 𝟣)Where stories live. Discover now