Chapter 69

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The week in New York flew by. On the last day they watched a New York Yankees baseball game. "I don't know much about baseball, but I always think it's great to go to the fan shops and just buy random merch stuff." Caleb said as they walked into the shop. "Do you only watch soccer or other sports too?" Aaron asked. "I watch everything. Some I understand better, others a little less, but that's what makes it all fun, right?" Caleb asked. "In any case. We don't really understand baseball either, but it's cool for the boys and we can spend time together as a family." Susanne said. "We do it that way too. If we want to go to the stadium as a family, we'll go to Wrigley Field." Caleb said. "Wrigley Field, these are the...wait a minute...the Socks?" Aaron asked. Caleb shook his head. "The Cubs in this case." Susanne said. Caleb bought 2 t-shirts, a bobblehead and the stadium model. Afterwards they got something to eat and drink and sat down in their seats. The Yankees won the game 6-3. "When is your flight tomorrow?" Aaron asked. "At 10:15." Caleb said. "OK. Then I suggest we leave around 7:30." Aaron said. "That's fine." Caleb said. They spent their last evening at home watching TV or playing games. They ordered pizza for dinner.

The next morning everyone drove to the airport together. Caleb checked in his luggage and then they went to have breakfast together. After breakfast, Caleb said goodbye to his friends and went through security. Since all passengers were at the gate on time, boarding was quick and some flights were delayed, the flight to Chicago was given an earlier time slot and was able to depart 45 minutes earlier than planned.

After shift, Kelly, Stella, Sylvie and Matt picked up the kids from the Herrmann's and drove home. "All right then. Today both Aiko and Elyas as well as Caleb are coming home again. Elyas and Aiko return together on the Tokyo flight, which lands at around 1:50 p.m. Caleb lands at 12:05. The question now is, who wants to come to the airport?" Kelly asked. "I think we're all coming." Stella said. The kids were standing in front of the door to the garage, still in their outdoor clothes. At that moment, Kelly's phone rang. "Speaking of the devil." Kelly said. "Which one?" Matt asked and grinned. "Caleb...Hey son, what's up?" Kelly asked, putting on speaker. "Hi Kayab." Matty said. "Hey. I just wanted to say that I've already landed and am now waiting for my luggage." Caleb said. "What, already?" Sylvie asked, surprised. "Yes. We got an earlier time slot and were able to start 45 minutes earlier and had a tailwind throughout the entire flight." Caleb said. "Ok. Listen. We're still at home now, but we're leaving soon. We would then wait at the airport until Aiko and Elyas land." Stella said. "Okay I got it. Where should I wait?" Caleb asked. "It's best to do it in the arrivals hall." Sylvie said. "Ok. See you soon." Caleb said. "See you soon." Kelly said and hung up. "Good. Then let's go." Kelly said. They got back in the van and drove to the airport. When they arrived at the airport, Matt let everyone get out. "Should we wait or go to the arrivals hall?" Stella asked as she unbuckled the twins and put them in the stroller. "You can go. Write me which arrival hall you are in." Matt said. "That's okay. Then see you soon." said Sylvie. Matt drove into the parking garage while the others went into the airport building. "Arrivals 1." Kelly said. "Have you seen this yet?" Stella asked. "No, but Caleb wrote." Kelly said. "That way." Andrew said. "I'll write to Dad." Julian said. In the arrivals hall they looked for Caleb. "He's sitting up there." Julian said. "Kayab." Benjamin and Matty shouted and ran towards him. "Hey." Caleb said and hugged them both. "Did you bring us anything?" Layla asked. "Why do you think that I always bring you something?" Caleb asked. "Because you always do." Kayla said. "I really need to stop this." Caleb said, shaking his head. Caleb opened the suitcase and pulled out a plastic bag. "How was New York?" Stella asked, sitting next to him and hugging him. "Really cool. Yesterday we were at Yankees Stadium." Caleb said. "Not that you're switching sides now." Kelly laughed. "No worries. I don't care enough about baseball for that." Caleb said. "Should we put your suitcase in the car?" Sylvie asked. "That's fine. It's not that heavy." Caleb said. "Hey. What took so long?" Sylvie asked when Matt finally joined us. "Sorry. I only found a free spot on the top floor." Matt said. "Yeah, there's really a lot going on today. There was already a lot going on at the baggage claim and there were a lot of people waiting when I came out." Caleb said. "Have you eaten yet?" Matt asked. "Yes, we had breakfast together at the airport." Caleb said. "Do you need anything else or are you waiting?" Kelly asked. "I think I could use something small. Depends on what we do tonight." Caleb said. "We thought we could set up the grill station." Kelly said. "Sounds good. Then I'll get something over there. Anyone else want anything?" Caleb asked. Everyone shook their heads. Kelly gave him money and Caleb got a sandwich and something to drink. While they waited, Caleb told them what he had been up to during the week and showed them the pictures he took. "Mommy, they're coming." Layla called. "All right then. Then we can go." Caleb said and pulled himself up on Kelly. "Hey you two. How was your vacation?" Sylvie asked. "Really nice. It was good to see family and friends again." Aiko said. "How are your families?" Stella asked. "Very good. My grandparents had their 50th wedding anniversary last week. We invited them to dinner." Aiko said. "50th wedding anniversary! Man, you still have a lot to do." Caleb said. Everyone laughed and Kelly put his arm around Caleb. They put their suitcases in the trunk and drove home.

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