Untitled Part 1

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-Mk POV-

Redson and his family continue their relentless attacks on the city, despite the fact that they cannot succeed. I was in the middle of battling some of their robots when someone pushed me from behind. "We've got some new bot reinforcements!" Redson exclaimed. Overwhelmed, Tang shouted, "Mk, there are too many bots!" Determined, I called out, "Give me some time, and I can get Monkey King!" Understanding my plan, everyone formed a protective circle around me.

-Wukong POV-

Relaxing in a hammock and enjoying some peaches, I was caught off guard when Mk suddenly appeared before me. "Hey there, buddy! What can I do for you?" I inquired. With urgency in his voice, Mk explained, "Redson and his family are attacking again, and they brought along a large number of new bots. We're outnumbered and struggling to fend them off." Before I could respond, Mk was struck and vanished. "Kid?" I muttered, knowing he wouldn't be able to reply. I needed to make my way to the city quickly.

-N pov-

Redson's bots had somehow thrown a chunk of an abandoned building at the group of heroes, causing it to fall on top of them. Pigsy had been the first one to get out from under the debris, and moving some of it out of the way and pulling Tang out from under it. "You okay?" Pigsy asked. Tang nodded his head then looked around. "We need to find the others" Pigsy nodded his head and they quickly started trying to look before Redson put a stop to it.

"HA PEASANTS, I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" Redson shouted at the two. Redson was about to strike them, but Wukong hit Redson's bot-thingy down and destroyed basically all of the bots with his staff. "UGHH, I WILL BE BACK SOON PEASANTS, AND NEXT TIME YOU WILL REGRET MESSING WITH ME!" Redson shouted before running off somewhere that the others assumed were his house.

"Mk said you guy needed help, I would have just give him some tips, but our connecting stopped suddenly and I couldn't get it to work again." Wukong continued, "Where is the kid though, I don't see him?" Tang glanced back at the rubble and then to Wukong. "We don't know. That big rock had hit us and I don't think Mk has gotten out, we should go get him out though." Tang said, pointing at the pile of rocks. Wukong nodded quickly and they all started moving rocks from the rubble or where Mk should be, while Redson turned into a small snake and went in between the rocks trying to find his the kid.

-With Mk-

Mk stumbles around, looking for something, what you may ask? He doesn't remember. His head did hurt, that might be something. Mk heard someone muttering to themself around the corner. He glanced to see a boy around the same age as him. He had red hair and a strange cloak thing on. The person turned to see Mk and quickly lit his hand on fire.

"That'z cool." Mk slurred. Redson was confused. Mk was acting like he had not seem his fire before many times, up close and far away. "Noodle boy, are.. are you okay?" Redson inquired. Mk tilted his head to the side slightly. "Hm, who'z Noodle boy?" Mk muttered. Redson on the other hand was very confused. "You are?" Redson thought for a moment before continuing. "You know who I am, right?" Redson questioned.

Mk shook his head slightly. Redson though for a moment before deciding to test this plan out. "Do you know who Sun Wukong is?" The question lingered for a moment before Mk shook his head no.

Redson smirked and approached the boy. "He made you forget, threw a piece of rock at you."--

-With the others-

Wukong's hands gingerly sifted through the debris, feeling the rough edges of broken wood and crumbled bricks. His fingertips brushed against a small, torn piece of fabric, its vibrant red color standing out amidst the monochrome of destruction. He held it up, a puzzled expression forming on his face.

"Look at this," Wukong called out, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and concern. Everyone quickly gathered around him, their eyes fixated on the torn red cloth.

Mei's brows furrowed as she analyzed the fabric. "This is from Mk's favorite headband," she said, her voice tinged with a mixture of worry and realization. "He wears it everywhere.. There's no way he would just leave it like this."

Tang's jaw tightened, his worry turning into a determined frown. "You're right," he said. "There's definitely more to this story. Mk wouldn't leave his headband behind unless something forced him to."

With their suspicions growing stronger, they intensively searched the surrounding area for any other clues. Wukong's sharp eyes scanned the ground, his attention catching something glinting amongst the rubble. He bent down and retrieved a tiny, golden charm adorned with delicate engravings.

"This charm," Wukong exclaimed, holding it up for all to see, "it symbolizes protection. Mk carried it everywhere. It's a part of him, just like his headband."

The realization hit them like a gust of wind, sending shivers down their spines. Mk's absence was no longer just a baffling mystery but a clear indication that something had gone terribly wrong.

With a shared determination, they knew they couldn't waste any more time. Mk's safety was at stake, and they refused to abandon him to an unknown fate.

As they continued their search, Tang's analytical mind kicked into full gear, analyzing every detail they had discovered so far. His eyes glimmered with determination as he pieced together a theory, outlining possible scenarios that could have led to Mk's disappearance.

Mei's resolve only bolstered as she envisioned the obstacles they might face in their quest to rescue their friend. She would be the steadfast shield, protecting her companions and facing any danger head-on.

Meanwhile, Wukong's resourceful nature shone as he scoured the surroundings, searching for hidden paths and promising leads. The rubble didn't deter him; rather, it fueled his determination to find the answers they so desperately sought.

Together, they pressed on, navigating through the rubble with a renewed sense of purpose. The village streets became their maze, each step leading them closer to unraveling the truth behind Mk's sudden vanishing act.

They were in this together, no matter what challenges lay ahead.

As they ventured deeper into the village and the mystery began to unravel, they couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of urgency. The clock ticked louder with each passing moment, driving them forward, pushing them to succeed.

And as they journeyed through the village, their hearts and minds focused on finding Mk, they knew their unity and determination would ultimately lead them to the answers they sought. With every shred of evidence and every new detail they discovered, they inched closer to unlocking the truth and rescuing their friend from whatever peril awaited him.

This is your first chapter, and question, what's your favorite TV show??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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