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I sat at the bar. I was only at this F1 party because Daniel Riccardo was a good friend of mine...and also because I needed a drink. But because it was full of rich drivers, I did dress nice. I wore a maroon dress that hugged my hips in every way possible. The straps at the top were fancy, and with my shoes, I looked like I had money, too. Which, I did, but not nearly as much as Formula 1 drivers do. I'm supposed to be signing for a social media advisor position for Formula 1. I have no idea what team I'll be assigned, or which driver. All I know is I'll make a lot of money, and I'll get to travel with one of the drivers.

My eyes scanned the room. I saw Danny having fun with his friends, and I wasn't going to interfere with that. After all, it is him who talked me into a potential job in F1. There were a couple of drivers at the bar as well, which was fine. I didn't pay much attention. I was on my phone, checking my instagram. Then I felt someone behind me.

"Hey there," the man said. He had an accent, German, maybe? I didn't know who it was until I turned around. Max Verstappen. Dutch.

"Hmm? Uh, hi." I put down my phone, awkwardly.

"I was just wondering, why...what a pretty girl like you is doing alone at a bar," he started. "So, I figured I'd find out." He shot me a smile.

"Uhh.." it wouldn't look good if I got drunk and slept with a driver, a potential rival. But then again, Max was quite handsome. The way he looked down at me...to die for. Yes, he was clearly drunk, but what did that matter? "Sure." I said without thinking.

He sat next to me. "So, would you like a drink?" He smiled.

"Uhm, yeah, a Vodka soda," I said. "Thanks," I said as he handed me my drink. "I'm Ashley." I took a sip.

"You probably already know this, but, I'm Max." He sipped what looked like whiskey. "I just couldn't keep from talking to such a gorgeous woman like yourself."

"Stop, that's an exaggeration." I laughed. It wasn't. I knew I had good looks. I knew I could have any guy in this club if I wanted to, but I didn't. I wasn't that type of person. I don't sleep around or act like a slut on the internet.

"It really isn't." He replied. "You're very beautiful. I don't see why you're alone here."

"It's because I'm not a whore." I giggled. "No, but seriously, I just got here."

"Who are you here with, then?" He asked.

"Daniel. Yeah, he's like a brother to me. We're good friends." I said. "I didn't bother annoying him while he's having fun, though." I explained. "So I'm sitting here, basically waiting to leave."

"Ah, gotcha." His voice was soft when he talked to me. "So, do you work in F1? Like, how do you know Dan?" He wondered.

"Uhm, I don't work for F1 yet, but I'm supposed to get a job soon. And, I know Daniel from my childhood. I was watching a race when I was a little younger, and he was there, and I dunno...we just clicked?"

"Hmm, so you met him at a race? Well, isn't that fun." He said, trying to carry the conversation.

"So, you're a driver? What's that like?" I smile, noticing his struggle to keep talking.

"Uhm, yeah, it's nice. The feeling of the car...when you jump in, you're just...ready? Y'know?"he said. "You probably know this, but I raced as a kid, and.."

My phone rang. "I'm sorry, can I take this? It's actually Daniel, he didn't want me out so late." I said. "Sorry to cut this short, but it's better I leave." I said, finishing off my drink.

"No, no, it's fine...see you around.." he sighed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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