7. While the House Sleeps

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Camellia rose quietly from her bed, desperate not to wake her sleeping friends. Her stomach was full of butterflies as she opened the door just enough to sneak out, and she closed it gingerly behind her.

Charlie's room- the only empty bedroom in the house- was upstairs on the third floor, meaning she'd have to sneak past everyone else to get there. She knew for a fact that Mrs. Weasley was a very light sleeper (raising her kids, she'd have to be), so she'd have to be extra cautious.

The house was dark and silent save for the occasional snore or creak of the floorboards, and the moonlight shone through every window, casting winding shadows across the house. With every step she took, Camellia felt her heart beat faster, and she could hardly stand it. The words from Fred's note resounded in her mind... "I'm not done being taken care of by you"... it sent shivers down her spine.

She made it past the Weasley's bedroom and was approaching the boys', where she could hear Ron's snoring from all the way down the hall. She smiled to herself and crept past their door, but a sudden loud creak underfoot made her heart stop.

She froze, hearing Ron's snores stutter from inside the room, and then George's raspy voice, "Shut it, Ron!"

"Piss off, George," Ron grunted sleepily in response.

"Yeah? You wanna go right now, baby brother?" George said, his voice getting a bit louder. Camellia heard a creak that must've been George getting up, because Ron yelped.

Camellia took advantage of their noise to race past them and up the stairs, and she came face-to-face with Charlie's bedroom door. Even though he hadn't lived there in years, a little Gryffindor banner and a paper cutout of a dragon were still stuck to the door, the same ones she'd remembered from their childhood.

But she wasn't a child anymore.

She knocked softly and was greeted by Fred - and she nearly fell to her knees. He was wearing his old Quidditch jersey, and his hair was messily framing his handsome face. He had a devilish smirk, and he said in a low voice, "You got my note."

Camellia couldn't help but giggle, and she felt herself growing warm. Fred stepped forward and pulled her in by her waist, meeting her lips in a passionate kiss. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he walked her backwards into the room and closed the door behind her. He broke away from her briefly and spoke into her ear, his breath on her neck driving her wild. "I never got to thank you for taking care of me," he said. "Two days was too much to go without having you."

Camellia blushed and bit her lip, meeting his eyes.
"But you're feeling better now, yeah?"

Fred's eyes darted from hers to her lips, and his voice came in a growl. "So much better."

He kissed her again, his tongue teasing her lips and sending sparks flying to her core. Her back came into contact with the door, making her groan into him, and Fred pulled her hips into his. His hands roamed up her back underneath her shirt, and Camellia shuddered.

She looked down and saw the outline of his wand in his pocket, and she reached in slowly to grab it.
Fred watched her, his breath hitched, as she pulled it out. She pointed it over her shoulder at the door and said, "Muffliato."

Fred smirked at her and raised his eyebrows.
"Mmm... I like where this is going," he crooned.

Camellia met his eyes and brought his wand up to her lips, tracing her tongue from the hilt all the way up to the tip. Fred watched in a daze, and she felt pressure growing between their hips.

"Trying to tease me, Cam?" he said, taking the wand from her hands and tilting her chin up with it. His dominance was making her weak, but part of her wanted to challenge him.

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