Chapter Eight: New Life

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Armin and Hange stared at Mikasa in disbelief, both of them collectively feeling the panic. Armin remained frozen for a moment, his chest heaving frantically as he attempted to control his own breathing. Of all the times the baby could have come, why did it have to be now? When they were in the most danger? How was he going to protect Mikasa like this? He promised her he would keep her safe, and even this far away from all that conflict...once again they found themselves in danger, at the absolute worst time possible.

Hange immediately rushed into action, keeping herself composed and was much better at masking her inner panic. She knew panicking would only make things worse, and Mikasa didn't need the added stress. She carefully wrapped an arm around Mikasa's shoulder, taking her hand and gently shoved Armin towards the door.

"You stay out there and make sure Eren has everything under control. I'll take care of Mikasa. Now go!" Hange commanded loudly, gently allowing Mikasa to lean against her as they quickly made their way back to the bedroom.

"Mikasa... Hange's going to help you but I'm right here.. I'm not far, I promise!!" Armin called out to her, before quickly rushing outside.

He blinked for a moment, regaining his focus as he rushed towards the gun Hange had set up. He positioned it to fit his eye, only to look out the window when he heard the war cry from Eren's Titan. His eyes widened as he watched him rush off towards the charging Jaegerists. He wasn't able to catch the faces of many of the riders, but he could tell by their weaponry and immediate fixation on their location just who they were.. and the purpose they were here for. Armin partially wanted to rush out there with his own Titan.. but he knew damn well how much damage that would cause.. and how much risk there was when it came down to it...this shifted Armins decision, and he decided only the change if there was some sort of struggle, and they felt pinned against the cabin. However, Armin noticed something else. Eren's titan had skidded to a stop in front of the Jaegerists, blocking their path to the cabin and glared down at them with his glowing emerald eyes.

Inside the cabin, Mikasa gripped tightly onto Hange's hand, panting heavily and groaning as her labor pains kicked into full effect now. She grimaced, gritting her teeth in pain as they made it to the bedroom.

"I'm sorry Hange...I thought we had more time than this..." She groaned, clutching her tense abdomen as she was settled into the bed against the pillows. She was panting heavily and urgently, tensing up at each pain. Though she was officially in active labor, it would likely be hours until the actual delivery started.

"Don't apologize, Mikasa... focus on your breathing... you're going to be alright.." Hange instructed firmly, allowing her voice to remain soft and caring as she grabbed a pillow, moving to settle it directly beneath her hips, hoping it would help the back pain if it were to surface once more.

Hange then hushed her carefully, sitting down beside her as she held onto her hand tightly, squeezing it reassuringly as she guided her through the breathing exercises they had practiced weeks prior. Mikasa squeezed Hange's hand tightly, as she panted heavily, inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth, slowly blowing air out with her cheeks, trying to keep her breathing slow though that proved difficult with the labor pains.

"There you go... you're already doing amazing and out, just like that.." Hange praised softly, hoping that the positive outlook would help distract the both of them from the ongoing threat just outside their walls.

Outside, Eren glared down dangerously as the Jaegerists. The Jaegerists stopped their charge in front of him, as Floch stayed mounted on his rather small Liver Chestnut Morgan gelding. Their faces seemed to shift from determined, to ones of wonder and admiration. They looked at Eren's titan like he was God himself staring down at them, as they looked practically ready to throw themselves at his feet and obey his every command.

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