"Yes. I'm Mitchell, this is Cameron and this here is Lily. I hope it's okay we brought our oldest daughter. We didn't want to leave her at home, alone." Mitchell said.

"No that's okay." The teacher said. "What's your name honey?"

"Mimi." Ximena told the teacher.

"Oh, well, welcome! We're over here taking turns blowing bubbles." The teacher said Ximena sat down far away doing her college homework and listened to music.

"Oh. Well, how nice for... the babies." Cameron said.

"Mhh hmm." The teacher then walked off.

"This is gonna be really difficult." Cameron said.

"You can say that again." Ximena said.

"I thought you were doing your homework and listening to music." Mitchell said.

"I'm multitasking." She shrugged doing her homework on her laptop.


"Everyone, we have a new family joining us today." The teacher said.

"I'm Mitchell and I am a lawyer."

"I- I'm Cameron and I'm currently not working... which gives me more time to grill and shoot baskets and-"

"And this is Lily." Mitchell said. "Our oldest Mimi is currently over there doing her homework."

All the parents looked at the gorgeous girl, her beauty was out of this world. It was as is she was a goddess. Her skin was glowing. She looked up from her laptop. "Hello?"

The parents waved at her. "Well if that's all I'm gonna get back to my homework."

"Okay, we're gonna start with the Hello Dance, and then we're gonna move onto blocks and finger painting, and then we're gonna do our Family Dance. Alright, who wants to start us off? Dance us in, PJ!" The teacher said and a woman gets up and starts dancing with a toddler.

"She's adorable." A woman told Mitchell referring to Lily.

"Oh, thank you."

"Seven months?" The woman asked.

"Uh, eight actually." Mitchell said.

"Oh. Is she grabbing or scooting yet?" The woman said.

"Y-yes, absolutely! I mean, she's not grabbing; she is- she is scootin'." Mitchell said.

"Your oldest is beautiful but why is she here isn't she old enough to stay home alone?" Asked The woman.

"She just turned thirteen and as much as I trust her and everything I don't want anything bad to happen to her." Said Mitchell.

"Dance us in, Tyler!" The teacher said.

"Are you ready? Okay, here we go!" The woman says to her toddler then gets up, and dances with Tyler.

"Cam. Lily is not grabbing or scooting yet." Mitchell told his boyfriend.

"Well, she's not doing it yet, but she will eventually." Cameron said.

"It's okay dad." Ximena told Mitchell from a bit far. "It must be a family thing."

"What do you mean Mimi?" Asked Cameron.

"I mean I was told by the people at the orphanage I started scooting and grabbing at around ten months old. Just give it time." She explained from behind them on the laptop.

"I know but all these other kids, theyre... they're grabbing. I- I just..." Mitchell said and then picks up a block. "Here, c- Lily, look at the- look at the block. Huh? Grab the block, Lily. Grab the 'H'."

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