Come on Sarah, the job is done and we need to get out of here now. I've already got the payment so, we'd split the paycheck and we're off for today. - Ronin said as he put his smoke out. Let's go. - Alright then, let's go. - I agreed as I stopped leaning on that wall and followed in his steps. Ronin then opened the door as he saw his childhood friend, Giulia, standing in them. Ciao, Giulia. Come stai? Bene, e tu? Molto bene. Giulia then looks at Matteo's corpse and says: Difesa personale? - Si, Difesa personale. - He replied. Anyway, I didn't introduce you to my wife, future mother, Sarah. - Ronin said as I looked at him embarrased. I then walked towards her and tried Introducing myself in Italian. Salve! Io sono Sarah, Io ho trentacinque anni e Io abiti a Night City con Ronin. - I introduced embarrasingly.  - Wow, you're good. And I guess Felix taught you that, Lone wolf? - Giulia replied. Oh and the money, yeah that is covered now that you'd have the money the debt can be paid. - Giulia added cheerfully. Hold on, let me call Lorenzo real quick.

Ciao Lorenzo, il debito è saldato. Matteo invece non ci chiederà più soldi in prestito. Perché? - Lorenzo asked Perché è morto. - Fammi indovinare... Ha provato a puntarti una pistola, non è vero? Quindi è stato un atto di legittima difesa, no?  - Sì, un atto di legittima difesa. Ascolta, puoi venire qui così posso ripagare il suo debito? Certo, sono nelle vicinanze. Sarò lì in 5 minuti. Va bene, fino ad allora. Ciao.

Translation to english:

Hello Lorenzo, the debt is paid. Matteo, on the other hand, will no longer ask us to borrow money. Why? - Lorenzo asked Because he died. - Let me guess... He tried to point a gun at you, didn't he? So it was an act of self-defense, right? - Yes, an act of self-defense. Listen, can you come here so I can pay off his debt? Of course, they are nearby. I'll be there in 5 minutes. Okay, until then. Bye.

Hey Felix, how much money was in that safe exactly? - 5 mil eddies. - 5 Mil? Alright, that'd be 3,65mil with extra's which leaves us with 1,35mil which is 450k per each. Here, the money packed in a cartella. Both of you to take. So, got a name for the ragazza yet? - Giulia asked. Well, we don't have an name f... Suzu - Ronin suddenly interrupted. Suzu will be her name. - Suzu? I like it. - I replied cheerfully. Hey, how about a few drinks after that? You know, to recall our memories.  - I don't see why not. How about you Sarah? are you in? - He asked me. I don't see why I wouldn't. Besides, with the chips I have, we don't need to worry about a miscarriage. - I replied. That's good. I was beginning to worry. - Ronin replied. Anyway, Lorenzo's here. Let's head out and get this over with. - I agree. Giulia said as they headed out of the office and met with Lorenzo. Salve, Lorenzo. - Salve. Ah, Felix. Long time no see. Oh and congratulations on the baby. I'm sure she'll be a beautiful ragazza. Just like her mother. - Sarah got red hearing how Lorenzo complimented her. Anyway. Since the debt is paid, you're free to go for now, Giulia. I'll get the cleaning crew and we'll clean any traces of the crime done. Grazie, Lorenzo. - Giulia said smiling.  They then walked to their cars as they rode to the fancy Italian restaurant.

half an hour later

[...] And then he puked on me, can you imagine? On our first fucking date; this really pissed me off so I slammed him with a glass of whiskey I just drank. Let's just say it didn't go well - She (Giulia) said, completely drunk. Anyway. How did you two get together? - She asked. Hmmm... Now that I think about it, You never got a hit on me Felix... That's where you were wrong. I got a hit on you. - Really? When. Remember that job you told me before where your friend died? - Yeah what about it? - I was there. As one of the Militech soldiers. - What were you doing back then? Were you working for them. - Kind of. Back then I was a spy for Myers. - Myers? Like the president of NUSA? Exactly. Anyway I did find you there hiding in the box peeking in there. Did you? Yes. We both were 16 at that time. - Why didn't catch me then? I couldn't. Seeing you in tears hiding in fear broke me. The guy that came looking for me, I killed him to give you time to escape. I can give you the exact story as I remember it like a tormenting memory that you can't forget even if you want to. - Go on then, we have all the time in the world.  - I said being genuinely curious about it.

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