Imagine a Shy Kili ♡

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You hum quietly, looking around at the beauty of nature. You see a tiny yellow bird, and it lands on the head of your pony. It tweets at you, gaining a few looks from the others.

You smile and laugh quietly. You grab a couple of small seeds from your satchel and hold it out for the bird. The bird hops towards you and begins eating. After it had finished, it hopped closer to you and onto your shoulder. You pet it with your indexnfinger and it tweets, earning an 'Aww' from Bilbo.

"Whot's that?" Kili asks Fili, looking at the bird flying around (Y/N).

"What's what?" Fili asks, clueless.

"The big butterfly fluttering around (Y/N)." Kili answers. Fili takes a moment to register what his brother just said ---

"Flying-- 'FLYING BUTTEFLY'!" Fili began laughing hard, everyone except Thorin and Gandalf looked, including you. You raise your eyebrow and slow down your pony.

"You boys all right?" You ask politely.
Kili nods frantically, facing foreward and head high.

Fili is confused by his brother's actions but puts it aside, "You and Tweety look adorable this evening. " He compliments. Kili bumped his pony into Fili's on "Accident".

"Tweety?" You ask, giggling.

"Of course, I mean, he does tweet, right? Those small whistles he makes." He answers.

You chuckle once more and smile, looking at your new bird. Tweety.

Time Skip ♡

Tweety had stayed with you through the whole day, perhaps you just made a new best friend. You smiled at the thought of having this little bird protect you from danger.

You lightly pet Tweety with your finger a little far from the camp. But you could still hear the chatter and see the fire. You were lost in thought, you didn't notice the brothers came and sat in front of you.

"Oh-- Helloo!" You smile at them and look back down to Tweety. Kili stared intensely at you, jaw tightly shut, and his face turning into a tomato. He was about to get up stiffly and waddle away but Fili smirked and dragged him down beside him again.

"H-Hullo.." Kili muttered.

"Yes, yes, hello, (Y/N). Hello, Kili. Kili this is (Y/N). (Y/N), Kili. Kili, (Y/N). Shake hands." Fili quickly re-introduced you two, "Sheesh, stop acting like strangers!"

You smile fondly and hold out your hand towards Kili. He continues to stare into his lap, your smile slowly fading. You hand returns to you and you get up, looking hurt.

Fili didn't know what to do until you left. He smacked Kili, who's head shot up. "You idiot! You lost your chance!" Fili scolded him.

"I'm sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry." He shakes his head, "It's hopeless.."

"Not if I can help it." Fili said, thinking.

♡ Time Skip ♡

"Knock knock" Kili said, grinning.

Fili sighed, "Who's there?"

"Who!" Kili said a bit louder, biting his lower lip attempting to silence his giggles.

"Who who?"

"Hey, fellas, anyone heard an owl?"

Everyone laughed at the joke, excluding you of course. You were too lost in thought.

Kili glanced at you, biting his lip and wondering if his joke was stupid or bad. Fili pat his back and glanced at you aswell.

♡ Time Skip ♡

"Does he hate me?" You ask Tweety. You weren't exactly waiting for an answer, you were asking a bird afterall. "I don't see what I could've done wrong... Have I been rude? Maybe I didn't give him enough soup that one day.."

Kili begins whittling a thick tree branch, taking small glances at you. He had almost cut himself when a sudden voice came up, "She seems to really adore that bird."

Kili nods his head but says nothing.

"What if Tweety were to go missing and then you, Galavant, Knight in Shining Armor, returning her lovely bird." Fili winked.

Kili shakes his head, "No! I cannot do that to (Y/N)!" He hissed.

"Well I guess she's all mine, then." Fili smirked, walking in your direction.

Kili shook his frantically and pulled Fili next to him.

"I'll... I'll do something. Just let me think." Kili blushed. Fili smirked and nodded. They both sat in complete silence until Kili stood up, chest out, head high, and he strode over to you. Fili clapped and watched at the sudden confidence in his brother.

You looked up and the younger heir that's walking over to you. You tilt your head, wondering why he was acting like this, he's usually very shy.
He approaches you and places his hands on his hips. He looks down at you and immediately hunches over and fiddles with his fingers.

You decide to try and make a small move. 'Friendship first, right? Then uhm. Best friends. Then.. Relatio-- No! No. Shhhhhhh just- just ask him to sit down or something, you idiot!!!'

You scoot over a little and pat down next to you. He looks at your motions for a couple of seconds and hestitatly sits down.

"C-Could you possibly h-help me with a pr-problem that I have, (Y/N)?" He asks quietly.

You nod, glad he actually talked to you, "What do you need?"

"Your Attention." Fili answered for Kili, just walking past them. Kili glares at the smirking Fili and watches as he returns back to his spot, watching you and Kili.

You laugh it off, taking it as a joke and look at him waiting for his answer.

"Uhm.. Well t-there's this lass." He says, causing your heart to skip a beat.
"T-that's in the Bl-Blue Mountains, that is.." he lied, "Well uhm.. I would like to know how to.. to tell her how I feel.

You nod slowly, frowning. "Uhm.. Well, maybe something a little cute and adorable, a bit of cheesiness, definitely confidence, and then she'll be head over heels for you." You smiled.

"C-Cheesiness?" He asks, tilting his head. Some hair fell over his eyes and urghh.

"Uhm.. Yes, cliché-like. Yenno, something like.. it would make someone punch you playfully and call you an idiot, in a loving way." You tried your best to explain it.

He nodded and smiled, "Thank you, (Y/N)." And with that he walked off. 'He didn't stutter this time. Perhaps confidence makes him lose his stutter. Or happiness. Maybe your love. S-Shut it!'

♡ Time Skip ♡

"Hey, Lassie." Kili calls, sudden confidence in him again.

You smile, "Hi."

"There's... Thiiis person I like." He said softly, "Wait. No. Love."

You bite your lip, "Who?"

"You can't laugh if I tell you."

You nod.

"I-It's someone b-beginning with 'Y' and e-ending with 'U'."

Your eyes widen, you look at him and he looks like he's trying his best not to go run and hide in a bush.

Tweety begins dropping red rose petals on both of you.

You look up and smile.

"Hey. I like that person too."

*The Hobbit Imagines*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum