"Yes, I can, like I said, I thought crawling would be more fun."

He smirked. "If ye can prove tae mae tha' ye can walk, a'll take ye home."

She stopped crawling and turned to look at him, before looking at the fireplace which was currently five feet away from her. She sighed and she slowly pushed herself up onto her knees and then she stood up on her feet.

He saw her wobble and she took in a deep breath, she took a step forward, but he knew what was going to happen and moved over to her before she hit the ground.

He caught her, scooped her up into his arms and supported her, an arm hooked under her knees and the other around her back and he held her against him. He looked down at her with a raised eyebrow and she scowled at him with her arms crossed over her chest childishly.

"Ye were saying?" he said amused.

"I can walk; I just stood up too fast and got lightheaded."

"Nice try," he spoke, before turning and walking out of the room and down the corridor that led to Hermione's room.

He pushed the door open with his foot and entered, placing her down on the bed and he only just noticed her dog jump up onto the bed. She was scowling at him and he chuckled.


"Woof!" she replied, he chuckled before walking out of the room and to the fireplace, he threw in some floo powder and called for Thomas.

"Oliver, I was just about to head over."

"Tha's good 'coz a found Granger crawling on the floor an' tryin' tae make a break fer it. A told her tha' if she could prove tae mae tha' she could walk, a would take her home."

"She fainted didn't she?" he said knowingly.

"Almost, a saw her sway on her feet an' a caught her befere she hit the floor, a put her back in her room, ye better get here quickly befere she tries tae leave again."

He chuckled. "Alright, I'll grab my bag and be right through."

Oliver pulled his head from the fireplace and stepped back, Thomas stepped through minutes later and they chatted as they made their way to Hermione's room.

"How's she been?" he asked her.

He shrugged. "Sleeping, a was out flyin' fer an hour an' a half, when a returned twenty minutes ago a caught her tryin' tae leave," he said amused. "She wasnae happy aboot mae takin' her back tae her room."

"At least she didn't use her wand against you, she can be very creative. I've treated people that have been on the wrong end of her wand," he spoke amused. "It took me weeks to figure out how to counteract the hexes."

"Okay, tha's frightening."

"That's why I told you, now you won't forget," he smirked.

They stopped in the corridor when they saw Hermione once more crawling along the floor, with Merlin walking beside her slowly.

Thomas cleared his throat and Hermione stopped and looked up, noticing them watching her amused. She sighed.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home," she replied.

"You can't leave yet."

"I will not be a burden on Oliver any longer."

"Yer not a burden," Oliver spoke.

"You're not a burden," Thomas parroted and Oliver snorted as she scowled.

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