Chapter one:the effect of Pucca's death.

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Garu's P.O.V:

I was just walking around the sooga village,especially because I've been thinking about Pucca's death,I saw how some are still not over Pucca's death. Ching was in denial,her uncle's are in a bad mood,everyone is sad.i wonder who did this kind of thing to Pucca.I admit I miss her too,but I need to accept that she is gone now and I can't be all crazy and not accept it,that will make me look like I'm crazy.

As I went home,my cat run towards me and it's starting to beg for petting,I pet my cat as I go over my table and think about what I will do,I can't get over her death still..All I can think is our memories,I started to tear a little but I stopped and get some water to just calm me down.

Although,how will I get over it when I just miss her.I felt bad when I always run away from Pucca when she tries to kiss me,though I always am afraid of her..I was being a scaredy cat of getting kisses,guess I'm a ninja who's weakness is kisses.

I really want to know who poisoned my love..this is the worst thing that had happened and it seemed to affect everyone.


Oh.Its just my cat.I pet my cat more and grab some cat food for my cat to eat, I personally wanted to be with Pucca but the town needs me,but the important thing that has lost is my dear.I need to find a way that may be impossible to talk to her again.

Creator speaking!

I've discontinued the dip one but I've made a new fanfiction but I won't continue the dip because I have lost idea on that,I am also sorry that I didn't continued the other one because literally bored with it,but I still like dip! But just making this because I've had new ideas..

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