Chapter 11

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"I'll see you later, Lan", I said as he gave me a kiss on the head and we both made our way to our engineer meetings. It was a little early this time, since especially Mercedes wanted to discuss even more than the strategies for the Suzuka race.

On my way, I met Daniel Ricciardo.

"Oh hi Daniel how was it with Tea?"

"She's a great woman, we sang karaoke together and she slept over at my hotel."

I raised my eyebrow at him.

"ELLA, be serious for one second nothing happend. But we will go out eating today"

"Uhhh that's exciting I said", with a wink. I decided on calling her later.

"Listen Danny. I know it's not looking good for your seat at Visa cash app, RB. And you know Lewis is leaving. I want you here at Mercedes, I don't want you to leave, I grew up with you and I think this car will be more appealing to you. Want me to talk to my dad?"

"Never would've guessed you would be the one offering me a seat. I don't want you to get into an argument with Toto. I know I'm done here and it's time to leave"

"NO, it's not, I almost screamed, I'll talk to him. We don't have another driver yet. Whether you want or not."

"Ella I literally love you Mate! Just know you don't have to do this!"

"No worry's Dan"

I don't know how I would ask my dad. But I know I want to keep Daniel here.

As I entered the room, my dad quickly pulled me aside.

"This thing between you and Lando right, don't let it make you change teams. But other then that I got to say that's a good man okay."

"Thanks dad? That was unexpected but still. Love you dad. We have to discuss something later. It's about Daniel."

"I think I know what you mean. Thought about that to. We'll talk with the others"

I really like these kind of meetings, because usually Lewis and me are allowed to present our own ideas and strategies. It's a very cooperative work space.

"One last thing, said Lewis and the meeting came to an end, what about Verstappen in the Redbull. I know we can beat him."

"Yes, I added, as Oscar Piastri said: "you know it's going to be  a matter of when he comes past you not if." But we do know Redbull had some tyre and engine problems in hot environments lately."

"You're both right", our main engineer said. "If you happen to have a Redbull in front of you try your best to play with them a bit. In the sense of right, left, front back. Their tyres will eventually give up, especially because of the humidity here"

I knew exactly what he ment, but I have yet to figure out how I put this into practice.

"So I want to talk about Daniel Ricciardo with the whole team. I thought about bringing him here, since it seems like he's loosing his seat. We all know he still has the talent and skills does he? Lewis it's your seat give us an opinion.", my dad said.

I found it quite weird that my dad just said that and asked Lewis out of the blue since it felt weird but he was right.

"I've known Danny for ages. Him in the right car is unstoppable. He might even be a danger to Max then, if he manages to relight his sparkle. I'd be honoured if it would be him replacing me"

"Alright then. I'll think about it. I don't want him to retire like this.", were my dad's words before he closed the meeting.

Seeing Danny here would really make me happy. I almost think it would make him happy to.

Next on the agenda for me was filming content for the media. It would only be an hour or two, so we decided to do it today. It's usually not that big of a deal. McLaren was filming almost right next to us. I believe if you'd hear very closely, one could hear Lewis and me. 

We filmed for the Mercedes YouTube channel today.

It was a fun challenge. We had a canvas in front of us and were told to draw each other while we were told jokes about each other. Every time we laughed we swapped the paintings.

Unexpectedly it was a lot of fun, i haven't laughed that much in a long time and I couldn't stop smiling. It was great seeing Lewis this happy too.

I went back to the team garage to grab a few things before leaving as Lando came up to me.

"Were you trying to make me jealous?", he said with big eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about", I said lifting my arms. I knew what he meant but it was never my intention.

"Well it worked baby", he pinned me against the wall pulling me into a loooong passionate kiss. Which turned into a whole make out session.

I moaned in his mouth. It was crowded here so it was risky but I think that's what he like about it. He started massaging my breasts and my hand went down his pants.

"feeling risky I see darling. We should take this to the hotel room so I can give you everything you want", he looked down at my hand still in his pants.

"We can't do it every night, Lan"

"Oh yes we can.", he quickly cut me off, pulling me into another kiss, his hand resting around my neck.

"And if you don't want to do it in the hotel at night, so be it, we'll do it right now in my car..."

We can't be friendsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora