“I never had a wife so I don’t about that.” He shrugged his shoulders as my jaw touched the floor. He was something that needed to be tamed. He wanted me to blurt that word out but I wouldn’t and in order to do that I made a grave mistake at that time.

“That thing you think Jameel bha…Jameel and I did at midnight.” I regretted the moment after I delivered the sentence. He let go off my wrist gently as his smirk that was adoring his face vanished while his eyes were devoid of any glint. The darkness consumed them again.

“What did you guys used to do?” He asked so gently that it made shivers of fear to run down my spine.

“I have to go.” I said as I turned around but it was too late when he grabbed my wrist and pulled me. My head this time harshly hit the feathery pillow of the bed as I crawled back dragging my knees towards my chest when I saw him clenching his jaw while looking at me.

“I just asked you something?” He asked as he grabbed my ankle and a scream left my mouth when he yanked me down to make me lay down beneath his large bulky frame.

“Nothing. We did nothing.” I finally blurted all that out which I wanted to scream for so long. I didn’t want his beasty side to come out and traumatize me again.

“What do you mean nothing?” He asked as his face was dangerously close to mine. His eyes were roaming around my every feature as if he wanted to claw every feature out that he thought was touched by Jameel.

I had talked to him rudely; I had retorted back his questions as nothing irked his nerves but the mention of Jameel could make him a different person just he was with others all the time or might be more vicious than that.

“We did nothing like you think?” I finally tried to do something for myself although I still hadn’t taken Beela’s name. I couldn’t be that selfish.

“Baby…do you think that I would believe this after looking all the records of the hotel rooms you both had stayed in for all those nights. You can’t stay you had done nothing. I hate people who lie and you f**king just did that.” He abruptly grabbed me from the nape of my neck as he fisted my hairs strong enough to make me cry out in pain.

His other hand pulled up the hem of my sky-blue frock as my veil had been lying on the floor. I squirmed while putting my hands on his shoulder just to push him away but all in vain. He wasn’t in his easy self anymore. I ruined everything just in one sentence but he should have believed me when I said there was nothing like that he was thinking.

In his eyes you are that characterless girl who used to sneak out in midnight just to meet his lover.

An inner voice spoke from inside as I couldn’t deny that. Who would believe me when I say that Jameel didn’t even touch me? When Beela used to come home with all those marls around her neck, she used to say the same think i.e., nothing. I never believed her then why would he do that.

Being touched by the man out of marriage was one of the gravest sins and I was religious but still I was accused of the thing from which I was disgusted myself. But the fact was that no one ever accused me I put all the blame on myself.

“L-let me go…please.” I cried when his grip tightened a little while his hands travelled upwards as I trembled badly when he touched my thighs roughly while going upwards to touch the bare skin over my stomach. His fingers were cold as they should have melted by how warm my skin was but still his touch was burning me from insides.

“No matter how much I try to forget about you being touched by that f**ker you always make me remember him. Are you in that stupid kind of love with him that isn’t letting you let him go?” He caressed my skin roughly as he seethed near my mouth only for me to hiss in fear.

“Why can’t you believe me?” I asked with my trembling figure and wobbling chin. Tears had started to make my vision blurry as I let them pour down my cheeks to get absorbed into my honey brown locks.

“I am a business man. I believe in facts. I have to. I can’t just act upon my feelings and believe how innocent you are.” He pinched the lower side of my breast as his mouth was about to catch my mouth in a deadly grip when I tilted my head. He inserted his head in the crook of my neck as he took my soft skin in between his incisors to make me hiss in pain. My fist tightened around his shoulders as pushing him was all in vain.

“That was my past. Why are you letting it ruin my present?” I finally got the courage to speak up for me as I wanted to scream that I hadn’t nothing that could make my mother feel bad about me. I had taken care about my dignity because that what my mother taught me. Dignity and self-respect were all important. Sometimes important than the people you love too.

“Because you are still in your past. You dream about love because you feel the same way. You feel sympathy to that f**ker who was sleeping with other men in the day and at night it was you.” He roughly yanked me away from his grip as I was stunned to speak. Was Jameel cheating on Beela? “How could you fall with such a guy?” He rubbed his jaw with his hand roughly while I sat up on the bed looking at him.

I could understand that he was angry that I fall in love with such a guy but what was he worried about?

“Why do you care? I am just your slave and I never helped Jameel in anything to do illegal.” I mumbled as I was breathing heavily. My hairs were a little mess while dress was pooling upwards showing my legs hanging down the bed.

“You…you were supposed to be mine and only mine. You…used to get…” He clenched his eyes as he tried to swallow all the rage inside. “…beaten by him. How could you do this to yourself? How could you let him beat you?”

Everything he was saying was getting above my head as I never thought Jameel used to hit Beela. If he was then Beela was stupid enough to marry him.

“How do you know?” I muttered as I pulled my skirts down for some decency when I saw all his anger was towards Jameel and a slight amount was on me who was going to marry him.

“He had married and have girlfriends in every city here. I have records.” He starting unbuttoning his shirt as every fiber of my body got alarmed.

“But still, I am your slave. You shouldn’t be getting angry about this.” I muttered while I looked at him through my lowered eyelashes. His fingers stopped unbuttoning his shirt as I he clenched and unclenched his jaw.

“For that I am giving you the chance. If you stopped me from getting married to someone else then you won’t be my slave anymore.” A smirk grew up on his face as he removed his shoes while standing. He was a bipolar as he simply ignored my question of him being angry of what I had been doing to myself.

“Then I’ll be free?” I asked as I looked at him with expectant eyes. His expressions didn’t even change as his smirk darkened.

“No then I’ll make you, my wife.”

Hello readers I hope you are doing well and enjoying Farzan's and Aysham's story.

• I want to say that those who can't wait for the updates can read the whole completed book on GOODNOVEL as it's complete there with all of my rest of the books.

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