Chapter 1

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Percy was used to falling.
Even falling for longer than one would expect.
But falling into complete and utter darkness for what felt like decades was new.
Having so much time for thoughts going through his head without disturbance was also new. Where did Riptide go? Why do his shoes feel so tight? Did he have a growth spurt again? Why was that important in this moment? Who knows?
Anyway, Percy had nothing to do but fall.
Wasn't that boring? Just falling.
How does Percy always end up in situations like these?
It all probably began with Ms Dodds, then the minotaur, the lightning and that whole debacle.
That was only four years ago (Percy is 16, I googled it).

This, however, is new. His fall wasn't the result of fighting a monster. Well technically it was, but it wasn't Percy who fought the monster, it was Annabeth.
So while Arachne was falling into Tartarus, the friends hadn't noticed the string attached to Annabeth's ankle until it was too late.
When Hazel had shouted to "cut it", all of the demigods were confused, because cutting off Annabeth's ankle did not seem like a very good idea.

The pull that hurled Annabeth in the direction of Tartarus also took Percy with, as Annabeth had been holding his arm to support her hurting leg (it was probably a broken something).

Adrenaline and fear pumped through both of their bloodsystems, as they were being pulled closer and closer to the edge. Annabeth was clawing at Percy's hands and arms and in her panic even tried to shove him infront of her, in the direction of the endless screaming void. She somehow ended up hanging onto Percy's hand and the edge of the hole, as to not be pulled in.

Percy's only thoughts in tha moment were: "don't let her fall, hold on, don't let go" and morbid visions of what would happen if he let go. He would never do such a thing, but the intrusive thoughts...

Someway Percy managed to pull Annabeth over the edge and throw her up and over his head. 

Someone had to have cut the string, as when he fell from where he was, because of the momentum he had gained, the daughter of Athena did not come sliding after him.

Percy's fall was intercepted by his right leg making contact with a ledge about 3 meters under  his earlier perch. The demigod heard Nico calling his name from above, but he already knew, they wouldn't make it in time. 

The only thing, Percy had the time to shout up to Nico was: "Doors of death, I will be on the other side! Bring-"

So now here Percy was, falling with a hurting leg, just waiting for it to end. Not his life, just the falling.

End of chapter 1 (454 words)

A/N(quite an imortant one, so please read): 

I'm completely new to all of this, I have a lot of plotholes and stuff, I will have to figure all that out...

So if you come across this, please do tell me what you think I should do or any feedback really, I might include polls if there are enough people reading this. It's still my first ever fanfic and I would appreciate it greatly. (I will not be offended by any corrections, as long as they are well-founded.) And do you prefer longer or shorter chapters(in numbers please)?

Idk when I'm going to write next chapter or if, but if you're reading this, you are beautiful and I hope you had and will have an amazing day/week.

Btw, anything that looks like THIS, is me commenting.

(And do you like the sideways-oriented(<chapter 1) or the centered(<credits) formatting more?)

Percy's way down Tartarus (almost alone)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora