The Start

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Nobody ever knew their name. I mean, nobody cared to know. Nobody in that school liked them, and I doubt anyone does these days either. No one knew the name of that school they went to either, but they call it "Here School" for some reason. They loved to make names like that, names that would mock the personality of something and degrade that name to the deepest pits of embarrassment. People call this person [Player], and this person should be arrested as soon as possible. They were responsible for the deaths of at least eight people, or more. We don't know how many people were in that school when it happened, but it did and there's not much to do about it.

"Here School" was a place of joy, where students' minds bloomed as they found hidden talents that they never thought they had. All was well until [Player] was registered to the school. Nobody knows if they had problems at home or something, but regardless, [Player] had always picked on everyone. That includes the teachers.

One of the more well known teachers was a teacher that [Player] had called "Baldi". That sure as hell wasn't his name but they still called him that anyway. "Baldi" had a unique way of thinking, due to his jumbled math equations and his hatred for hair, but he was still a good teacher. He would make sure his students were engaged every second of the day, even if they were learning something that wasn't very interesting. "Baldi" had always tried to help [Player] and try to help them get into a better path, but they always despised "Baldi" no matter what he said or did. [Player] was failing in "Baldi's" class, so "Baldi" always tried to give them tricks to solve equations more easily, but they didn't listen. [Player] was fully capable to solve these equations, but they just didn't care. Their parents must've never cared either. If they did, the incident that ended "Here School" would've never happened.

Then we have "The Principal of the Thing." Another name coined by [Player]. So, we'll just call him "Principal". "Principal" was strict, but soft. [Player] was constantly sent to the Principal's Office, getting detentions left and right. The Principal would never give detentions that were too long, usually for an hour or so. The least he would give would be at least thirty minutes. "Principal" also tried to lead [Player] on to a better path, but they didn't change a bit.

We also have "Mrs. Pomp". We aren't sure if that's her real name but that's what [Player] called her. She and "Baldi" were very good friends, teaming up to make engaging activities for the students. From time to time, "Mrs. Pomp" would surprise the students by having the lesson in a different room for the day so they could move around the school and get some decent exercise before recess.

Speaking of exercise, we can't forget about the doctor "Dr. Reflex". We highly doubt that's his real name, but we'll use it anyway. He has a unique way of testing students' reflexes, quickly holding up two buttons. The student would have to press a button with a checkmark to pass, but they had to do it quick. [Player] would constantly leave when "Dr. Reflex" would try and test their reflexes. This annoyed "Dr. Reflex" greatly, but there was nothing he could do except take a deep breath and move on.

[Player] wasn't the only student at "Here School", which is why we have been using the plural "students." One of the other students that were there was called "Playtime." Once again, a name coined by [Player]. She loved to jump rope, her dream being to take the honor of first place in world championship jump roping. I don't even know if that's even a thing, but it doesn't matter anyways. She never lived long enough to make her dream come true anyways.

"This is a Bully" was also another student at "Here School". (That name is way to long to say every time we mention him so we'll just call him "Bully") [Player]'s perspective of "Bully" is that he was a bully. He wasn't, though. "Bully" noticed what [Player] was always making fun of everyone and calling them names, so he decided to step up and give [Player] a taste of his own medicine. Unfortunately, "Principal" didn't allow this so "Bully" would get in trouble pretty often.

"Arts N' Crafters" was a shy student but regardless they were well known. They loved making all kinds of art. They were known for sock puppets. They also had a bunch of art notebooks, specifically six. [Player] knew this and had made (absolutely terrible) doodles in seven notebooks to make "Arts N' Crafters" jealous. Fortunately for [Player], their plan had worked and "Arts N' Crafters" would always take [Player] to "Baldi" and complain about their actions.

Last but not least, we have "Beans". Not much is known about this boy except that he was always chewing gum but he could never blow any bubbles. Instead, he would accidentally spit out the gum. He's probably the most light hearted factor in this whole investigation.

The rest of the characters in that school can't be conformed nor denied to be humans in a past life or in their current ones, (First Prize, Cloudy Copter, and Charles) so they won't be very important in this story. So, now that you know the characters and their backgrounds, we can begin.

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