The older woman is taken back but understands some babies just don't like it.

"Hello. Hi, hi! We just- we just adopted the two girls from Vietnam and... we're bringing them home for the first time, huh." Mitchell said in a small voice.

"Oh, she's an angel. You and your wife must be so thrilled." Said a man. "And you look at how beautiful you look you seem like a sweetheart."

"Actually......" Ximena trailed off as she saw her other father Cameron or Cam as he likes to be referred as came to them.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Daddy needed snacks. Hi." Cam says fumbling his way to his seat. The older woman and man look away uncontrollably making Ximena roll her eyes and mutter, "Homophobic asses," under her breath luckily nobody heard her well Mitchell did but he was fine with it. "So, what are we talking about?"

"You saw that, right? Everybody fawning over the girls, and then you walk on and suddenly it's all 'Oooh, SkyMall, I gotta buy a motorised tie rack.' Alright, you know, I'm- I'm gonna give a speech." Mitchell said.

"You should do it dad." Said Ximena.

The first time she called them dad was the other night and they nearly cried well Mitchell did. Cam on the other hand was full on crying out of happiness.

"No he shouldn't Mimi." Said Cam to his oldest daughter then looked to his boyfriend. "You are not giving a speech."

"Why?" Questioned both father and daughter.

"You're gonna be stuck with these people for the next five hours." Said Cam and then Ximena formed an 'o' with her mouth in understanding and nodded her head at what Cam said in agreement.

"You're right, you're right. Okay, I'm sorry." Said  Mitchell.

"Honey, honey, look at that baby with those cream puffs." Said a lady snobbish. "And girl with the sushi."

"Well that lasted long." Ximena said sarcastically as her dad looked mad at the woman. "That definitely set him off."

"Okay, excuse me." Mitchell said standing up. "Excuse me, but this baby would've grown up in a crowded orphanage if it wasn't for us cream puffs. And this beautiful girl next to me I now call my daughter has spent thirteen years of her life in an overcrowded orphanage. you know what? No, to all of you who judge-"

"Mitchell..." Cam trails off.

"-hear this: love knows no race, creed-"

"Dad..." Ximena said trying to get Mitchell's attention.

"-or gender. And shame on you, you small-minded, ignorant few-" he was cut off by his boyfriend and daughter's yell.



"What?!" Mitchell asked.

Cameron motioned to the cream puffs in Lily's hands and Ximena eating sushi. "She's got the cream puffs. And Mimi is eating sushi."


"Well that's embarrassing for you dad." Said Ximena.

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