Bundle Madness Drabble Part 22

Start from the beginning

"You are acting like a child! If you're going to act like one then your age, I will get your father!"

The canary raises her voice in annoyance. Her two servants by her side ready to take orders. Why can't that boy be like them? "I'm your Queen come down at once!"

She got hit by an acorn.

"Queen Visha!"

"Young prince that uncalled for!"

The avian glanced down at her and her own startled servants. A small huff and jump down like no trouble. When they landed, she was already back up

"You little grr! You don't treat a lady like this! Ouch my hair." The avian whines as she clutching her head of the new bump.

Not bothered as they walk past her. Didn't even throw that hard but let her be dramatic.

Not long after they were in an office. Doors close behind them. Soon it was just two demons in this spacious work room.

"Junior good your here." The four-eye bearded vulture looked across from them. Feathers that could be shown were a lighter tone compared to Paimon on. A regal look coat with black feather color lining around his neck. In the center of the neck collar is the symbol of their family. A crown on top of their head. Facial expression serious until switch into a snap. No, long a strong bird of prey but a dotting, idiotic father. "How my little grouchy pants of my favorite child?"

"I'm your only one and was busy."

Even with King Orlok remarriage, which he only did to shut the others up, didn't have any other children after Paimon., trial and errors. Nothing. At this point Paimon thinks he only stays with her to not deal with paperwork of divorce but was a warning. Plus, it's not like she would get anything to begin with. There that and their father never forced them to call her mother.

Before you asked. No, she is not an evil step-mother. Just annoying, greedy, gossip woman with questionable taste of clothing. Basically, someone Paimon doesn't want to interact, which was a majority of many nobles. Not Evil. She is bad. But not evil. Someone they don't fear at all.

"I did see you throw that acorn."

"My mind was busy and she was scaring the mice."

"True. Gotta let the mind work. Any who. We need to talk."

"Isn't that what we are doing?"

He laughs and clapped away. "Straight to the point. You always were a mature one. Oh, your mother would be so proud."

The huge ass portrait of Paimon mother. An avian similar to Paimon with a few differences. Paimon felt slightly insulted and wondered how she dealt with this for so long. Plus, it seems like their stepmother failed to get rid of it too.

"What do you want?"

"Yes." He coughs and straightened. "Do you remember what this family does?"

"This one specific or this cult?"

"For the last time were not cult. Anyway. I believe it's time we start widening your variety. You are coming of age when that is very important. It'll continue to be important because of the many duties laid on your shoulders Paimon. Just like it was for me and many others in our family."

Raise an eyebrow for using their name. Always being called junior unless important or serious.

"It is time to find you a bride. I even got many marriage letters for the past few months now." Smile at their direction. "Don't worry I didn't pick the first one offer to me. You are my only child and won't be any other eggs happening. So, we're going to make this very special for you! Will be actually seeing a few months at an upcoming party. Unless you run into one. But hey gives you time to be ready. Interact. The fun stuff. Then wedding time!"

Imaginary window breaking in the background.

"You want me to what?" Twitch at their smiling 'father'.

He sighs. He adores his child. He really does even with their oddness. But they can be quite dense at times. Or will need to repeat it again. "Junior its time you do your other part for the family."

"I'm fifteen and you're telling me to get married?"

"Come now I was sixteen when I got married and look how you turn out." Wave it off like it was nothing.

"Do you honestly want me to answer that?"

"Not, today." Really doesn't want to be verbally hit by their only child bluntness. Their little bird can be quite vicious. Good traits for his position when he became one the kings in the future. But still need to tone it down. "Be happy I even convinced everyone to at least wait at eighteen. Or do something stupid like I told you at eight years old of who your future wife is."

"Would have stab you with your beak."

"Jokes on you. Your mother would have first. Now many wanted and complain to me you should get married at sixteen. Um hello not ready. I mean I bet you could have been ready. Even with your antisocial, no-touchy shy, moodiness."

"I want to wrangle your neck."

"That's the spirit!"

"Are your hearing yourself?" Twitch and hands turn to fist on their sides.

Maybe they'll have enough time to strangle themselves with their scarf to get out of this madness!

"This is also quite special in another way for you."

"How is any of this special?"

They had to get married. Married! Him! He is not marriage material! Their plan was never to get married. Noble junk or not! This wasn't the plan. Well, many things weren't planned and had to be improvised. Peak sake even before marriage or kids of that sorts wasn't an option and was fine with that. We're fine being alone. Couldn't trust another with their body or else they would get a horrible reaction. Never safe. They as a former destroyer don't deserve it.

But apparently a big middle finger to them and what they want.

"You also get a harem since you're the last of both of our bloodlines!"

The door slammed shut as the young prince left.

"If it makes you feel any better! We threw in some male counterparts as well! Spice it up! You'll thank me one day!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


What do you all think?

The last one if I do I second part, which I'm thinking about. I do want some help. I would like names, noble rank of Goetia even just a family member of possible suitors, or some kind of strong connection to nobles to the rank. Even just meeting them. Maybe one to three words to describe their personality, along with appearance. Go wild as these demons can be jerks. I'm not going to make them up on the spot that why I'm asking. If it already an existing Goetia being that in a seat. That is fine too if you throw them in. So, if you want to do that you can as well throw that in. So, enjoy it if you want to help out with this for the heck of it and to save me some trouble. This is optional. Don't feel forced to do it. (Open)

Forgot to add this. What the hierarchy ranks are for the Goetias have and how it presented. Things will change up so don't focus too hard on it.

Presidents (But calling this Barons)

Any questions?

Until next time.

Bye, bye!

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