Chapter 2

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I stayed silent, taken aback, and I had zero idea about what was happening here. The lady was still looking closely at me, waiting for me to respond.

"What? Are you planning to leave your responsibility to your girlfriend? I didn't raise you like that, Jordan!" she shouted.

"Okay!" I involuntarily exclaimed as fear started to conquer me. "I have to go to the bathroom," I said as I stood up and started walking.

"Where are you going? The bathroom is that way," the woman told me, her hand pointed to her right, showing me where the bathroom door was.

"Of course, it's there," I said and quickly walked towards the bathroom. I quickly shut the door as soon as I got in. What kind of mess is this? I remember Eli told me to hold the pendant and call his name if I needed to talk to him, so that's what I did.

"It hasn't been 5 minutes yet. Ms. Evergreen, or should I say Jordan, what seems to be the problem?" Eli asked.

"This is a weird situation, Eli. I don't know what to tell them. I have no idea about what is happening here," I told Eli, who was standing on the other side of the bathroom near the shower.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you one more thing about your pendant. So it worked when you called me, right? Try to hold it and say 'memories', and it will trigger the memories of the body you are in to play in your head. It will be helpful for you to get an idea of what is happening in that person's life." Eli explained, "Try it," he commanded.

I quickly obliged and closed my eyes. I held the pendant with my right hand and said the word "memories" in my head, and suddenly pictures started playing in my mind.

"Come on, Veronica. It has been 6 months and I haven't scored yet. Don't you trust me, baby?"
Suddenly, the guy pulled the woman into what seemed like a hotel room. Room No. 146.

"Jordan, I trust you, but I can't get pregnant right now. My mom is currently going through treatment for her cancer, and I don't want to add more burdens to the family," the woman pleaded.

"I got you, babe. Trust me." Jordan reassured.

I let go of my grip on the pendant as soon as I realized that the body I'm in belongs to an irresponsible kid who gave in to what his flesh craved. I feel bad for his girlfriend; the thing she had been fearing finally happened. I opened my eyes and caught Eli still watching me.

"Did you find anything interesting?" he asked.

"I just have to rotate this upper part to get out of this body, right?" I returned a question to Eli, and he just answered me with a nod. I don't even want to think about the carelessness of this stupid body. I'm glad I can get out of here anytime I want.

Without any second thoughts, I rotated the upper part of the pendant. Again, the blinding light beamed through my eyes, causing me to close them.

"Where is your money? Give us your money!"
I opened my eyes and found myself lying on the ground. I was wearing a school uniform, and there was a guy in front of me showing me his fist as if he was ready to punch me at any time.

"Are you playing hard to get right now, Theodore?" he asked and threatened to punch me. So, I quickly reached into my chest to rotate the pendant, but it wasn't there. My hands finally made their way to my pant's pocket, and I quickly grabbed all the money I had and gave it to him. He smirked at me before he left.

My whole body was trembling; this reminded me of my days in high school. One part of my life that I don't want to look back on anymore. I'm glad I don't have to live this life until it dawned on me: how can I leave? I couldn't find the pendant. I stood up and searched every pocket of the uniform and even this kid's bag, but I couldn't find it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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