Episode 8: A Lively Tour (Part 2 of 2)

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*A few minutes go by*

I look around in CatNaps living room, it's beautifully decorated and tidy as I remember it. I hear the whistle of the kettle and a few moments later CatNap comes back in holding a bed tray with a cup of tea and a bowl of soup on it. I sit up, "Here you go", he says setting the bedtray on the coffee table in front of me. "Thank you", I reply while taking a sip of tea. "DogDay I'll be gone for just a minute or two. I'm gonna go get Bubba, he may be able to know how to help your ankle", he says. "Alright, thank you", I reply. CatNap quickly leaves, I continue sipping my tea, "This tea is making me feel really calm" I think to myself, I see a few lavender buds floating around in it. "That must be it". The door suddenly bursts open, CatNap runs in with Bubba behind him, "Here he is Bubba", CatNap mumbled worriedly. "How're you feeling DogDay?, Bubba asked while examining my leg, "CatNap explained everything to me on our way here". "I've been better", I say with a fake smile. "Mhm", Bubba replies with one eyebrow raised. "It doesn't look too bad, it looks like a simple sprain.  I recommend you stay off your feet for the next few days and when you're able to walk, give it a few days before you start running that way you could regain your strength properly. But for now rest your leg and apply ice to it from time to time". "What!? I can't do that Bubba! I planned activities for everyone for the next few days, I can't just cancel them!", I exclaimed. "DogDay, I'll tell the others, they'll understand, but for now you need to rest", Bubba said. I look down disappointed. "I'll get some ice for you", CatNap says while walking into the kitchen. "Thank you CatNap".

*Just in case yall are confused on how DogDay is positioned. He is sitting upright on the arm of the couch with his legs laying across the couch.*

I start eating my soup while Bubba inspects my leg, "It's good that CatNap was there to help you", he says. "Yeah but I wish we could've continued the tour", I say disappointedly. "It's alright DogDay, CatNap more than understands", Bubba replies. "He really likes you DogDay". I widen my eyes a little and continue eating my soup, I see that Bubba caught my reaction. "Is it because you feel the same way about him, maybe even more?", he asks raising on of his eyebrows while smiling. I choke on the soup a little, barely getting it down. "I could tell from that response I'm not wrong", he says still smiling, I become silent. "Hey, listen i'm sorry I shouldn't have said that", Bubba said looking down, guilty. "It's alright Bubba, I know you didn't mean no harm", I smile softly. "I love everyone here, all of you are my best friends. But it's different for CatNap, I don't just love him as my best friend..., I feel something more than that", I say looking down. "Well maybe you can try to take sometime trying to understand these feelings and maybe tell him. He may feel the same way". Bubba suggests. "But what if he doesn't?", I ask. "Well, what if he does? Also even if he doesn't, atleast ". a I stay silent, "And I thought Bobby was the only expert about love", I chuckle. Bubble smiles in response and finishes inspecting my leg.

"Here's the ice", CatNap says while walking in, holding an ice-pack. "Thank you CatNap", Bubba says standing up, "Well I better get going now. I'll let the others know what happened". "Thank you Bubba", I reply. CatNap and I exchange goodbye's with Bubba and he leaves, leaving me and CatNap alone. I look over at CatNap standing next to me, "Thank you for helping me", I say softly. He smiles and nods his head. "Well I better get going now, I gotta get home and get some rest", I say preparing to get up. CatNap puts his hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you should stay here. It won't be safe for you to be on your own", he says insistantly. I gaze at CatNap looking down at me, "Alright, thank you", I reply softly. "Let me grab you a pillow and blanket", CatNap says walking to the closet. CatNap gets two pillows and a purple blanket with yellow stars on it and brings them over to me. He places the pillows behind my head and the puts the blanket on top of me. "Try and get some rest", CatNap says while sitting on the chair right next to me. I nod my head in response and slowly drift to sleep. 

*For the next few days CatNap would take care of DogDay. During his stay, both of them talked, told jokes, played boardgames, and watched movies together. The other critters visited DogDay and apologized about the wood on the ground. They cleaned up the wood from off the ground and finished the cabin. The critters frequently would bring him get well soon: cards, flowers, and treats. One night everone had a sleepover at CatNap, they all ate snacks and watched movies in the living room, it was so fun. During that time DogDay's leg was able to heal. When he started walking again CatNap would be by his side helping him just in case he fell. DogDay began to understand his feelings for CatNap, and everytime DogDay was with him, his feelings became stronger and stronger.*

"This is love, isn't it?"

Hey everyone I hope you all liked this two-parter, I personally loved it so much. I will be posting the next episode on Wednseday (3/3). Feel free to provide some feedback and let me know what you think of this two-parter or the series so far, thanks you guys!!! :)

The Smiling Critters (Season 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن