1.A Good Start❣️

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Author's pov:

Why did you do this to me hubby?


All I did was just ask for love...

Did I asked you to marry me?

Did I asked for anything other than just to spend some time with you?

Taehyung stared at his husband and the pretty girl next to him with his glossy soft brown eyes and moved his gaze towards the girl's neck which is adorned with a fresh mangalsutra,that long yellow rope which resembles the same as his own

Taehyung's throat tightened with pure pain as more tears slide down from his eyes

And as always his husband Jeon Jungkook stood like a statue,
with the same cold expression on his face

No emotions or words as he stared back at Taehyung with his cold dark orbs

Taehyung is standing there with his whole body numb

His heart which ached for his husband for the 2 months where he left him after the day he took his purity,
is no longer beating for him,completely broken by his husband's actions

Taehyung gave his purity to his husband as his husband wished to be intimate with him

That's what he convinced himself

But the reality is always bitter

Even after all of this Taehyung has to live in this house

Or else he has to go to J'ail

He has no objection of going to J'ail than living in this hell

but he will not give birth to the small life in him in a Jail

he has to make sure the small life is safe in him before anything goes wrong and leave after giving birth as soon as possible

And not get caught by his husband ever

He wants to go to a far peaceful place,
where no one can cause any bad things to him and his baby...

Few months ago:

Taehyung stood there not even flinching as his uncle slapped across his face again.

“you fcking useles thing!
Just get a job already!!

How many more days you need as time!!?

It's already past a week since we came here!

Go and find a job by today or else will s'ell you to someone and get the worth i spend on you for raising you till today.

Taehyung is still looking down as his uncle walked away after cursing at him for a while.

Taehyung wiped his tears and sat on the floor to continue to make breakfast and lunch

“will s'ell you to someone and get the worth i spend on you for raising you till today"

Taehyung closed his teary eyes and his lips wobbled

He tried his best not to break down and cry,but the words said by his uncle is scaring him more than any other thing.

He doesn't know what will he do to get a job in this city

If it's like his village,he can get a job easily

Some people are known to him there,so they helped him to get a maid job there

But his uncle like always got more debts in the village.

So they have to shift places again and again because of him

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