Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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Change is not something a lot of people deal well with. As our young lad Landon. That's a funny line. But some people can thrive on change, much like Jordan, his older sister. While he is overthinking every little aspect of his life, she is already settled in and ready to move on.

Jeremy joins the family at the dinner table a few minutes after the others. He asks, "What are you kids up to? I wanted to take you all around town but I just got a call from the office to meet the director."

"I am going to set up my computer," Kaley replies. She is a tech junkie at the mere age of eleven. Jordan adds, "I actually have plans with a friend." "What friend?" Landon almost chokes on his food. Jordan replies, "Remember when we were here last summer? I met a girl in my grade and kept in touch ever since. She said she'd show me around. I'll head out at around ten." It is five past nine at the moment.

"What do you plan on doing, Landon?" Trisha asks. Landon takes his time to reply. "Unpacking, I guess." Jeremy nods. Trisha goes back to trying to feed the twins. Those two will just run around the house and maybe break a couple of things. Nobody cares to ask.

After breakfast, everyone goes on about their day. Dad gives Jordan a ride to the diner where she is supposed to meet her friend as it is on the way.

"Paisley!" Jordan exclaims as the duo rush to hug each other. "I haven't seen you so long. I missed you!" Paisley reciprocated. "That's my dad." "I kiddo, I hear you are a Herbert. Practically saw your dad grow up." Jordan smiles. Junior's Diner. It's been a family business for decades. Started by Frederick Lambert in the 70's as Fred's Diner which he passed on to Fred Jr. It was renamed to Junior's Diner in the 90's, by Fred Jr. and his successor. "Let's head out," Paisley suggests and they do.

Back home, Landon is still trying to figure out where to start. Clothes? Books, maybe his desk stuff? After strategizing for almost an hour, he throws everything out the window, closes his eyes and picks a random box. The box is carefully labelled 'Miscellaneous.'

Despite the title of the box, it is probably his most prized one. It carries all his trophies, mementos, little boxes where is likes to put personal belongings. They will make pretty great time capsules. He knows opening that box will drag him back into a depressive state. So he just starts unpacking his clothes.

He puts away the clothes, then arranges his books on the shelf. Sets up his desk. He keeps staring at the box the universe wanted him to open and constantly ignores it. "Lunch time, Landon!" Corbyn screams from downstairs. That's a first time he has heard the twins since breakfast, maybe they were downstairs pestering their mother. That is their favorite thing to do. He calls Kaley to eat too.

Takeout. Again. Of course nobody has gone grocery shopping yet. Spaghetti and meatballs never miss though. The twins eat away as if they have never seen food. It's not even that good, they are just trashcans for foods. These are Landon's thoughts. Kaley couldn't care less. She just eats her fill.

Landon goes back to his room to tidy everything up. "You done?" Kaley peeks inside. "Just about," Landon replies. "Wanna do something later? I wanna go to the park, I'm bored." "How's your computer setup going?" Landon asks while he is still organizing things. "I've been done for a while. Take me, please?"

Landon knows just as little about this place as his younger sister. But this is a good opportunity to get some sunlight. "Sure, let's go. Text Jordan, see if she can make it." Kaley aggressively nods and skips out of his room. Kids, he thinks to himself.

He freshens up and changes into some cleaner clothes. Kaley also gets dress. Kaley has short, blonde hair which she usually has in pig tails or two little braids. She rarely lets it open. She almost never wears dresses, at least not since she started dressing herself. She thinks it's not worth it if you have to think how you're gonna sit.

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