page 3

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I wake up from my slumber, letting out a soft groan as I sit up. The small blanket tumbling off me and the bed. I groggily walk out of SD!Wally’s room, and down to the kitchen. I step into the elevator, greeted by Killer!Wally, and PatchWork!Wally. I mentally groan, knowing PatchWork will irritate me as usual, though I still love him.. Somehow.

“Hey, hey, hey, hey-” Patchwork continuously said while repeatedly stabbing the side of my leg with a needle. I swat his hand away finally, glaring down at the stuffed puppet I could so easily burn- “What?!” I exclaim, frustration very clear in my voice as I crouch to Pathworks level. “Nothing, just wanted to annoy you and make you bleed a bit!” The creature from satan itself giggled, poking my cheek with the needle to which I snatched it away and shove it into my pocket while I stood up. “You’ve lost your needle privileges..”

“It’s what I live for!” Patchwork commented while he and Killer ran to catch up to me, being smaller means they practically have to run to keep up with others. “Give it back-k-k!! I will sow your face into a soccer ball! Neighbor!”

Ignoring the screams and cries of desperation from Patchwork, I manage my way down to the kitchen. I am greeted by RF, Royalty, Silly, Evil, and tea-cup Wally. RF is busy with paperwork on the kitchen counter (literally sitting on it), Royalty is talking with Tea-cup, and Silly is tormenting a very morning-angered Dark. I make my way to the fridge, and grabbed an already prepped coffee since people like RF or Hunter!Wally hog the coffee machine 24/7.

“Don’t touch the coffee.” I groan hearing the dead-tone scientist, looking over at him. “Hog!” grumbling, I grab some apple juice instead- bad idea, all eyes narrowed at me. “What?”
Not getting an answer after a minute just made me shrug- but when I look back down at my hand, all I see is the green lid. “What the hell?!” I exclaimed, dropping the lid which clacked on the floor and rolled away. A few others snicker, making me even more-so annoyed.
“Where’d it go?!”

“I ate it.” Silly grinned, wiggling happily as he mischievously giggled.
“.... I’d rather be gaslit than hear that excuse again,” I very much said sarcastically..

“I could arrange a situation-” “You’re crazy in the first place! I mean, c’mon, Doll! Who would house so many strangers..~” RF started to speak, only to get interrupted by Evil!Wally, who walked over to me with that classic shit-eating grin of his. He grips my shoulders from behind- his touch as hot as a thousand suns. “Ow- fucker!” I hissed. “First off, it wasn’t my idea! It was fucking RF’s! It’s not like I asked for any of you!” I push him away while yanking a coffee from the fridge and walk away; steps echoing as make my way through the expanded building.

The same building I can’t call home anymore.

At least, not around anyone else.

They all collectively hate that word.


Nice ring to it.. I just might take another read of that book. I remember it mentioned home..

Besides, my curiosity has never killed me! What could go wrong?


Word count: 556

Hello! Sorry this has taken such a long time and is short! This is just a preview to a much bigger and longer story, trust me!

Thank you so much for your patience!

Ich liebe dich!❤️

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