Chapter 4 -Louis

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As I approached our tiny flat nestled in one of the poorer parts of the city, the stress of a day's work at the mill settled on my shoulders. I opened our rusty mailbox with a creak and reached for a single letter inside, the familiar Royal crest catching the light of the fading evening.

Pushing open the door, I found my mother hunched over the table, her hands professionally kneading dough into loaves of bread. The comforting aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, a stark contrast to the heavy emotions weighing on my mind.

"Mother? Do we have a letter opener?" I asked, my voice tinged with urgency.

Without looking up, she nodded towards the clutter drawer, where a glint of silver caught my eye. Retrieving the knife, I wasted no time in tearing open the envelope, its pristine surface a contrast to the worn surroundings of our home.

Eliana, who was sitting at the dining table, glanced up from her magazine, her eyes widening with excitement as she caught sight of the royal seal on the envelope. "What's that?" she excitedly asked. "It's from the Royal Family! Open it now!" she urged, her curiosity growing.

I unfolded the letter inside, my heart racing with anticipation, my eyes scanning the words with a mixture of disbelief and awe.

"Dear Louis Hillock," the letter began, its formal tone belying the weight of its contents. "Thank you for your enlistment to the Oryn Royal Army."

A surge of pride and disbelief rushed through me as I read on, the reality of the situation sinking in with each passing word. I had been selected for a special assignment, one that would see me working with Princess Odette herself.

"On May 13th, you will be summoned to the castle to discuss the fine details of your job." The letter concluded, leaving me with a mix of excitement and fear.

My mother's worried eyes met mine, her concern etched in the furrow of her brow. "Louis, is everything alright?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

I looked at her and Eliana, a mixture of emotions swirling within me. "I'm going to be working with Princess Odette," I finally managed to say, the weight of the words sinking in as reality dawned upon me.


The morning of May 13th came with a weighty significance, the air tinged with anticipation and uncertainty. Slowly, I got myself up from the comfort of my bed, the gravity of the day's events pulling me awake. With each step, I felt the pressure growing.

Descending into the kitchen, I found a man in a golden-colored royal uniform engaged in a conversation with my mother. Eliana sat nearby, her brow furrowed in confusion as she attempted to decipher the conversation going on in front of her.

"Ah, there you are," the man greeted me. "I am General Manly, the King's right-hand man. I am here to escort you to the palace."

He handed me a neatly folded royal uniform, its golden hue shimmering in the morning light. "Put this on," he instructed, his tone brooking no argument. "And don't forget to pack a small bag with your personal belongings."

I returned to my room and selected a worn brown bag that had seen better days yet remained sturdy and reliable. Carefully, I filled it with essentials: medical supplies, a few cherished possessions, and my flute—the one part of my father that I have left.

Changing into the uniform, I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride as I buttoned the dark golden shirt, the royal crest gleaming just below my collarbone. With each adjustment, I felt a sense of purpose settling inside me, as if the uniform itself instilled in me a newfound strength.

Returning downstairs, I found General Manly waiting patiently, his steely gaze showing no hint of emotion. "Mr. Hillock," he began, his voice clipped with authority, "you will be entering the Land of the Lost."

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