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hot coal
( 1st person
- kailani )

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

𝐌𝐎𝐌 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐔𝐒, 𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 that we be home before hurricane aggie graces us with her presence. kie and i were sitting in my room, basking in the silence. we were both on our phones, but i was getting really bored. we usually spend hurricanes at the chateau and watch horror movies per my request all nigh, but apparently aggie was coming in hard, and mom wanted us home.

i threw my phone on my bed and groaned in annoyance. "why did she make us come back!"

"right!" kie agreed with me, "she knows we like sleeping over at the chateau when there's hurricanes."

"do you think she won't let us this time because she knows there isn't a 'trusted adult' or whatever at the chateau?" kie asked.

"there's never a trusted adult at the chateau, kie." i laughed. "john b was way more responsible than big john."

"you ever feel bad for john b?" kie asked, her face somber. "he has all these responsibilities now. he's literally needs to find a job to provide for himself. not for fun. or for the extra pocket money."

"yeah, i do." i nodded, tucking my knees closer to my chest. "he'll be okay, though. he always is."

we sat in silence for a bit, then kie looked out the window and saw how bad it is.

"holy shit, kay, look!" kie ran to her window.

i followed her, and we were now both staring at the atrociousness that was hurricane agatha. trees were quite literally bending over from how strong the wind was. the sand that surrounded them was turning into mud. i looked at the sea and i saw the most unsurfable waves known to man. i have never seen waves as big, and aggressive as these. if the weather was truly a reflection of how God was feeling, he must be livid. the one thing i can think of when seeing these waves is the nutjob that would jump at the opportunity to surf right now.

"i really hope jj's not surfing those waves." i worried.

"yeah?" kie smiled teasingly. "why not john b? or pope? why are you hoping jj's not."

"because he's the first person that popped up in my mind!" i tried to defend myself, but i was really just digging my own grave at this point. "because he probably got drunk as shit and is planning on doing something stupid, if he hasn't already."

with a smile, kie walked back to my bed. "kay, we're twins. you physically cannot lie to me. it goes against the nature of biology."

"i'm not! i promise!" i swore, walking back to my bed and sitting next to her.

"what happened between you two anyways?" kie asked.

this was a conversation i dreaded. i really truly respect kie for never asking me about this topic in the last 7 years. i knew it was bound to happen.

"you don't have to tell me." kie shook her head. "i was just curious."

"no- i want to tell you. i need to. this is the only thing about me that i have not told you about in full detail and it's eating me alive." i admitted. "you have to promise to never tell anyone, though. jj didn't tell anyone, so i have to believe he doesn't want anyone finding out. probably because of how mean he was."

"cross my heart, won't tell no other." kie said the phrase they came up with as little girls. she held out her pinkie for me to intertwine mine with hers. i wrapped my pinkie around hers, and we both kissed our thumbs as a ritual to prove our honesty and trustworthiness.

"okay, so, we were in 3rd grade right? we're in english class and topper, who sat behind me passed me a note. the note said, and i quote 'do you want to be my girlfriend? if you do meet me by the swings during recess.' you can only imagine the spelling mistakes. then there was a dash, and he signed 'your bff4l'"

"did you go to the swings during recess?" kie asked, wanting to know if i had a crush on jj when we were kids.

"of course i did!" i covered my burning red face which with my hands, feeling just as embarrassed as i did all those years ago. "i had a massive crush on jj when we were kids."

"so did he!" kie yelled. "he told me!"

"he's a fucking liar, then." i shook my head. "because i went to the swings and lo and behold both 3rd grade classes looking at me and laughing. there were a few older kids and they laughed and said, 'i can't believe she fell for it'."

"that's horrible!" kie gasped, anger prominent on her face. "i would've never expected jj to do something like that."

"me neither!" i admitted. "you see why i hate him so much? he had the audacity to pretend like he didn't do anything wrong when we came back from recess."

"i don't blame you for hating him." she said honestly, shaking her head. her eyebrows were furrowed in complete shock, her eyes were narrowed like predator eyeing it's sneaky prey, and her fists were clenched.

"it's okay, though." i said, trying to diffuse the situation. in this moment, i deadass think she hates jj more than i do.

"it's totally not okay!"

"we were kids." i reminded. "he's not the same as he was when he was 9."

"and he has the audacity to act like he's the victim."

"anger is hot coal in emotion form. you hold on to it for too long, you'll get burned." i reminded her. it's a phrase i find myself telling her oftenly. she expresses her emotions (especially anger) outwardly, where i just take it out internally. both definitely cannot be healthy, but, hey, it works.

"what, so i'm just supposed to not react? not do anything?" kie said aggressively. "what he did wasn't okay, lani."

"i know that." i nodded. "we just have to throw the hot coal on him."

"burn him." kie realized, a wide smile forming on her face. "i love the way you think."

★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑, jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now