
140 3 6

TWS: strangulation, fighting

In the dimly lit chamber, Changbin found himself locked in a deadly embrace with his twin brother, Minho. The air grew thick as Minho's grip tightened around Changbin's throat, his eyes ablaze with malice.

"Just breathe. In, and out," Minho taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. He reveled in his brother's struggles, relishing in the power he held over him.

Changbin's fingers clawed desperately at Minho's wrist, his vision blurring as oxygen became a scarce commodity. Every gasp was a battle, every wheeze a plea for mercy that fell on deaf ears.

Minho leaned in closer, his breath hot against Changbin's ear. "You were always the weaker one, Changbin. Always trailing behind, always second best."

Each word was like a dagger to Changbin's heart, fueling his determination even as his strength waned. With a surge of adrenaline, he managed to pry one hand free and delivered a sharp blow to Minho's ribs.

But Minho only laughed, his grip unyielding. "Is that the best you can do, little brother? Pathetic."

Changbin's world spun as darkness threatened to claim him. Yet, through the haze, a flicker of defiance remained. With one final effort, he mustered all his remaining strength and drove his knee into Minho's abdomen.

For a moment, Minho faltered, his grip loosening just enough for Changbin to draw in a ragged breath. In that fleeting moment of respite, Changbin's eyes met Minho's, silently challenging him to finish what he had started.

But Minho's grin only widened, a twisted mockery of brotherly affection. "This isn't over, Changbin. Not by a long shot."

With a cruel laugh, Minho tightened his grip once more, and the world faded into darkness as Changbin fought to hold onto consciousness, his twin's taunts echoing in his ears.

As Changbin's consciousness wavered on the edge of oblivion, flashes of memories flooded his mind—moments of shared laughter, of whispered secrets, of unspoken bonds that had once bound them together. But now, those bonds lay shattered, fractured by the weight of betrayal and resentment.

With a last surge of determination, Changbin's hand shot out, grasping desperately at anything within reach. His fingers closed around a small, jagged object—a shard of broken glass from a shattered vase lying nearby.

With a primal roar, Changbin plunged the makeshift weapon into Minho's side, eliciting a cry of pain from his twin. The grip around his throat faltered, allowing Changbin to suck in a precious lungful of air.

Blood trickled from Minho's wound, staining the floor crimson as he stumbled backward, momentarily stunned by the unexpected turn of events. Changbin seized the opportunity, launching himself forward with renewed vigor.

Their bodies collided with a resounding thud, crashing to the ground in a tangle of limbs and fury. Changbin's hands found Minho's throat, returning the pressure with a fierce determination born of survival instinct.

Minho's eyes widened in shock as Changbin's fingers squeezed tighter, cutting off his air supply with the same ruthless efficiency that had once threatened to snuff out Changbin's own life. Gasping for breath, Minho clawed desperately at Changbin's arms, but the grip held firm.

"You were always the stronger one, Minho," Changbin rasped, his voice a hoarse whisper laced with defiance. "But not today."

With a final surge of strength, Changbin tightened his grip, channeling every ounce of anger and frustration into one decisive action. And as Minho's struggles grew weaker, his taunts silenced at last, Changbin knew that he had emerged victorious—not just over his twin, but over the darkness that had threatened to consume them both.

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