Comparison VS Comparison

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Comparison is a thief of joy
But I believe the opposite to be true as well
It steals your happiness before you can blink but first it puts it there to dwell
"Oh I'm more confident then her"
"I'm definitely smarter than him."
But then you turn around and there is always someone more destined for the win
"Ya I'll just try harder"
"Tomorrow I'll do better"
But everyone just seems to disregard her
So she wakes up earlier and she redoes her face
She puts on what's trendy even though these tight jeans make her feel like she's encased
She can't breathe
Her face is to heavy
But that doesn't matter
We know this already
Society has taught us that beauty is pain
It's all part of the process
Just don't go stand in the rain
We are missing out on the parts of life that mean the most
But yes let us take a second to raise a toast
To smile and to shine
Because all this work cannot go unnoticed
And all this effort is all so focused
"Do you think he noticed me"
"Were my jeans as skinny as hers?"
These are the things that we now focus on
We can't even leave the house without a smile
And heaven forbid we have fun for a while
What's wrong with the world
When will we see?
Comparison is a thief of joy for both you and me
But we must realize it can't take something that is not there
And we can't have joy if we continue to compare

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