The one time I almost ran into an airplane

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Trigger warnings include yelling and swearing.

Now I know this title gives a "what the fuck?" thought but yes, I almost ran into an airplane in a golf cart. So for some reason my dad took me to his work place. I don't remember exactly what he did but he worked on a small local airstrip (?).

My dad decided to pop into a gold cart with me in the seat next to him, watching the surroundings with like intense interest, because hello? A six year old seeing airplanes up close? Seeing a hanger with old airplanes? I was ecstatic!

Anyway, we're doing our little thing, talking and driving around and my dad turns to me and offers me a chance to drive. Of course I say yes because I thought driving was the coolest thing ever (still do) and immediately I'm like shaking with happiness.

I sit on my dad's lap so he can still control the golf cart in case of anything bad. Mind you no airplanes were running or taking off, it was pretty quiet. I waved to a few of my dad's work friends, Jerry cheered me on as he worked on this old airplane. It was amazing.

I'm driving around peacefully, my dad steering me away from any palates and machinery. Reminder I am six years old in the story. I was distracted because, well, I'm six and everything is interesting with my short attention span. I didn't realize I was under an airplane and I was gonna like, hit one of the wheels? Apparently my dad wasn't paying attention either.

But luckily he grabbed the steering wheel of the golf cart and steered us away before anything bad happened. He yelled at me for a bit, called me stupid, the usual verbally abusive things. I got ice cream from Jerry though, 'cause he felt bad with my dad yelling at me. That was the only incident for the rest of my time there though. When I got home was different, but I still had a good time when it was good.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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