Purple Eyes -Klance

Start from the beginning

At least he isn't thinking of those big purple eyes anymore. ...big purple eyes with dilated pupils, tears twinkling like stars-Shrek. Shrek face covered in mud. He put his head into his hands and rubs at his eyes furiously. Just keep thinking about Shrek.


He startles. Head whipping up so his eyes meet with- speak of the devil, Keith. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts he didn't even notice when he entered.
Keith stands there awkwardly, his shifts his head to look at what Lance has been projecting, Earth. He stares for a moment. Only then does Lance realize that maybe, maybe Keith wants to look at Earth too. Why else would he be in here?

So when Keith's eyes go back to him, Lance just pats the spot next to him in invitation. Keith hesitates for a moment before joining him on the ground. Close enough to feel his presence, but distant enough so they won't bump shoulder's accidentally or anything. (He doesn't know why that disappoints him. Why he wants there to be less distance between the two of them.) He shakes his head, not gonna go down that road.

They sit there, staring up at Earth. Not saying a single thing to each other. Lance is actually surprised when Keith is the one to break the silence.

"It's 3am."

Wow. He's been here longer than he thought. Lance muses,"Why are you still up?"

Keith shrugs. "That's what I was gonna ask you."

"Got homesick." Lance surprises himself with his honest answer. He wasn't exactly looking for a bonding moment with his rival, but..maybe they could put a pause on that. At least for now.

Keith just hums in response.

"And you? Why are you still up?" He can't really think of a reason why Keith would be up at this moment. Unless he got carried away training.

A mumble interrupts his internal musings, "Had a nightmare."
Oh. He wasn't expecting Keith to give him an actual answer. Especially one that could (hopefully) lead to a moment of vulnerability. Lance tries his best to keep casual about it.
He huffs, "Nightmares suck. I keep having this one where we make it back home and my family hates me. I mean, the possibility isn't that high but...there's a difference is knowing the chance of it happening than imagining it."

Keith just nods worth understanding. He's apart of the paladins of Voltron, of course he knows the risk of never making it home. "I'm sorry about the nightmares. Like, I can't imagine what you are but I know it must be a pain in the- you know what."

Lance responds with a forced laugh. "Don't worry about me man, it was a long time ago. Doesn't measure up to what we're doing now. I mean, fighting big bad aliens for the freedom of thousands of planets and innocent lives?" He whistles "a silly dream like that is basically nothing"

Keith's brown furrow. He finally turns to face him. Big purple eyes, shining-Shrek. "Even if it's not as bad, it still matters. If it makes you feel stressed or sad, then you shouldn't be downplaying it to nothing"

Lance takes those words, and instead of piling it up to the back of his mind to forget about them, he tucks them into a drawer. To think about later. But for now, he just wants to ignore it. So he deflects and tries to move on, off of his own feelings.

"What about you? Any nightmares that traumatize your soul?" Okay, maybe not the best wording.

Keith nods anyways
"Oh hell yeah." He responds in the same joking voice Lance used just a moment before. "They're all about how lonely I was as a kid."

Lance raises an eyebrow, trying to keep the light atmosphere even though they're venturing into a pretty dark topic "The fuq you mean by that?"

Keith shrugs, Lance can sense the nerves rolling off of him even tho if he's trying to keep his words as lighthearted as possible. "It's uh..not exactly the easiest thing to discuss." He raises his hand and removes a strand of hair from his face and tucks it behind his ear. It's falls back into his face, Lance has to resist the urge to tuck it behind his ear himself. No literally, his fingers are twitching.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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