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When Sina was finally able to go to her parents hotel she saw that Michael was working the front desk. She went up to him and she leaned against the counter. "Hey bro, have you seen Takuma Ichijo?"

"Yeah, he's in the dining hall. He's been there since six, he has been looking worried why ask?"

"Rima and Senri have been sharing a hotel room with him here. So I was gonna let the guy into the room."


Sina said goodbye to her brother and went into the dining room to see that it wasn't just him in the room. But ignored the others as she went up to the tall blond vampire. "Takuma Ichijo, Rima has asked me to help you get into the hotel room you're in."

"Okay and you are?"

"Hanabe Sina."

He stood up as he placed his hands on her face. "So they weren't messing with us?! You're real?!"

She looked unamused "Please reframe from touching me. I don't like being touched."

He quickly took his hands from her face. "Oh...sorry miss. Y-Yeah we can go to the hotel room now."

She just rolled her eyes. "What floor are you on?"


"Of course we have to use the stupid elevator." She muttered to herself before she let out a sigh "Very well lets go."

The two of them left the dining area before taking the elevator up to the fourth floor. Once on the floor Ichijo showed her the room that he was staying in. She unlocked the door letting him in first before she went in after him. "Mind me asking what is Senri's and Rima's? I am housing the two of them since they go to college with me."

"Oh...so that's why they hadn't shown up. Sure thing."

Ichijo had shown her everything that was the duos before she thanked him and got everything that belonged to the duo into her car. Afterwards she gave Ichijo the card to the hotel room. "Here the two of them aren't going to be coming back here so this card is all you."

"Thank you...but I have to ask, why are you doing this just for the two of them?"

"Rima is pregnant, I'm not having a pregnant woman being in a hotel room are you kidding me? She needs stability and I can give her that since her asshole of a husband doesn't seem to think properly enough to do so for her."

"If he knew you thought of him like that he'd be heart broken."

"Oh he knows full well how I feel about him. But he still hasn't taken the hint yet." Sina said unamused

Ichijo chuckled a bit before he gave her two books. "Read these and you'll understand why he acts how he does around you."

She blinked her eyes a few times. "Uh...okay?"

"Trust me, it'll all make sense."

She took a deep breath and took the books from him. "Alright...I'll take your word for it Ichijo. Enjoy the rest of your night." She said before she left out

As she got to the lobby Michael was waiting by the door, once he saw her he stopped her from leaving. "I just got done talking with mom, she said we're going to you is that right?"

"Mhm, none of you have seen my apartment plus seeing just how I am around those two will give mom and dad a better judgement on how to react to what Rima will be talking to them about."

Michael let out a sigh. "They aren't going to approve of it."

"I'm counting on it so Senri can literally get off of my ass. The sooner he takes the hint the sooner I can live my life as I should be."

"Alright...if you say so."

"I do say so, I'll see you later bro."

Sina left out and she went back to her apartment before she chose to place their things in the empty room that would be theirs. Afterwards she stayed up reading the books that ichijo had given her only for her to get half way through the book before she felt a pair of hands over her eyes. "Why didn't you sleep last night?" Senri asked concerned

"Get your hands off of me before you get hit with this book." Sina said seriously

His hands soon got off of her eyes and he sat beside her instead only for her to ignore him as she continued to read the book until she heard Rima get up which was when she chose to place her book mark in the book and get up to help Rima out. Senri was more than upset that she was ignoring him. He didn't know what he could do to make her want to be anywhere around him. Once all three of them ate they left out for the day, Sina didn't have class till the afternoon so she stayed in the student lounge until she needed to go to class.

By that time she had finished the first book which was just a re-run of her entire childhood and her teen years in high school. Things she had already knew about herself and what had happened to her. While she was waiting for her teacher in the classroom she read the second book which made her furrow her eyebrows as she realized why Senri cared so much about her and what happened to her. 

She knew who was mentioned in the book, she had been paired with the bastard in two of her classes. He had been hard core flirting with her which took her back since she knew how ugly she was. But that didn't seem to bother him, as she was reading the book she realized she had been sitting in the class for thirty minutes with three other people. So she shut her book and went to the office about the teacher for the class only to be told that the class was canceled and won't be back up until they could find a replacement teacher for the class. 

So she had to tell the other three students about what she had been told and they all left the class together. As she got out of the classroom she had finished the book so she went to find Senri only to see him on a bench outside of the college, so she went up to him and she sat beside him.

"You really didn't like how things ended for me...did you?" Sina asked curiously as she looked up at him

He shook his head no "I want to keep you from that death, you're too beautiful to die like that."

She let out a sigh as she held the books in her hands as she leaned back against the bench. "I don't see what you see in me, but then again I've always been rejected and been called ugly in school as you should already know about. Just because you say you love me and kiss me doesn't mean that I'll be willing to be around you. You have a wife already-who is pregnant. I don't want to take the attention off of her. I'm afraid of how I will be around you if I allow myself to emotionally get attached to you Senri."

As she spoke she looked up at the clouds moving in the sky, Senri didn't realize how afraid she was of getting close to him. 

"Are you truly that afraid of being around Rima and I?"

"Yes...What if this isn't forever? What if the moment I get close to you or her you two leave...what will happen to me then? I'll be all on my own without anyone to be with. I don't want to get attached to something that won't last." She said sadly as she went from looking at the sky to the the books in her hands "I...I fear that history in these books will truly happen in a different way. I don't want to be alone with a child then die out because of it."

Senri hugged her tightly nuzzling his head against her neck. "I promise you we'll do what we can to stay here with you...just please give me the chance to show you that I'm serious about what I feel for you."

"I won't give you an answer until my parents meet up with Rima and you. I refuse to accept something if it upsets my parents."

He let out a sigh before he looked at her sadly "Fine...but can you at least stop acting so cold towards me please?"

Sina placed a hand on his face which made him shut his eyes feeling her skin against his. He placed his hand over hers only to then feel her lips against his which made him smile as he kissed her back. Once she pulled away from him he opened his eyes as he looked down at her. "Is that a yes?"

"I can stop acting cold as long as kisses and hugs are all we do for now."

"I can work with that." He said with a smile

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now