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After class, Sina left out before the duo had. Rima ended up taking Senri out of the community college before she placed her hands on her waist. "Tell me why did you really tear up Sina's plush? It wasn't just because you were sick of the plush was it?" Rima asked seriously

Senri averted his eyes as he heard her question and didn't answer her with made Rima sigh out. "You really love her a lot don't you Senri?"

"Yeah but I don't think she thinks the same about me."

"Well how'd you feel if you told her about how she would originally end up with someone who cheated on her leaving her for dead with a child then she does the same stunt you pulled on her? Wouldn't you feel angered and upset that she didn't say a word to you?" Rima asked

Senri frowned hearing Rima speak "I...I was mean to her I know that-but she won't even talk to me regularly anymore because of what I had done."

"Well maybe you should have just heard her out instead of getting over emotional. You know she's a loner. She doesn't have any friends and she clung to the small friendship that she had with you in that small place. You broke what small bit of trust she had with you with what you did to her."

"Did she at least tell you if she'd agree to be around the both of us?"

"She's on the fence about it since she knows so much about us Senri, she doesn't want to pry into the relationship we have even though I have already told her that I was okay with sharing you with her. She doesn't believe that it would be an okay thing to do. It's obvious what has happened between the two of you has made things difficult. You need to be honest with her."

Senri frowned hearing what Rima said, he didn't know how to express himself towards Sina. Rima knew that Senri had a hard time expressing himself, so she placed her hands in his. "Let's find her and see if we can't have a small talk together. Try to get her to understand things from your perspective?"

Senri nodded his head in agreement. "Sure...I'd like that a lot."

When they went back into the college, they saw that Sina was talking with three males that all had blond hair and teal eyes just like she did. One of the males eyes widened seeing the two of them. "Sina...behind you." The male said "I thought you were fucking with me...but you weren't joking...were you?"

Sina let out a sigh before she turned around to see Senri and Rima. "Can I help the two of you?"

"We need to talk Sina." Rima said with a smile

"Sure, we can talk, but you are keeping your husband on a leash Rima. He gets anywhere near me before I am ready to get close to him and I will hurt him." Sina said seriously

Rima nodded her head. "Sure thing."

"And you are talking around my bros. They know about the whole dream plush bull shit." Sina said seriously

"Very well, I believe it's best that you are aware of how Senri felt with what you had told him when you were fifteen." Rima stated

"What was he too stunned with the fact that I laid out straight out facts about the two of you for him to realize what was going to happen to the two of you? He can get the hell over himself. You two are older than I am, he needs to start acting like the 'mature' male he is supposed to be. Vampire or not." Sina said seriously with her arms crossed

Senri frowned hearing her speak. "I wasn't stunned I was upset that you didn't even think about the fact that I have been obsessed with you. I love you Sina, doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"No, no it doesn't. You loving me and your wife Rima is loving two women too much. You should only have your eyes on one female and that should be the female that you are currently in a 'happy' marriage with. I don't care that you've been obsessed in love with me. I don't care that you think so highly of me."

Senri had gotten frustrated with how stubborn the blond haired female was, he went up to her and held onto her upper arms tightly which stunned her as she looked up at him.

"If you don't agree to be around me you'll end up with a rude inconsiderate male who will leave you for dead with your first and only child. You will end up having to raise your child on your own and end up getting killed by the bastards crazy wife when she finds out that he left you with a child. I don't want you to end up being killed Sina! I'm trying to save you from death! Why can't you see that?!"

Sina was silent for a while as she tried to process the words that Senri just told her, she looked down upset as she realized what her life had in store for her. "Because of you telling me about Reya I was able to not be killed by Reya. Give me the name of the male that does so and I can keep away from him, and I can wait for someone who won't end up making me deal with that life."

Senri shook his head quickly. "You will out live any human you will ever meet up with! Why is it so hard for you to accept that I love you?!"

Michael let out a sigh as he pulled his sister into him taking Senri's grasp off of her arms. "Senri, you realize that the woman you are asking to be around is a rather smart woman yes? She understands what marriage means and it doesn't matter that both of you would accept her. Marriage is a holy thing that cannot be broken in her eyes. Not to mention after we confirmed with her about what you two blurred out to her -she's terrified of losing the life that she has now. It'd mean that all of the activities she loves to do, she won't be able to do anymore."

"Not to mention, if she was to be around the two of you she'd be judged harshly by our parents. They hate poly relationships, so the fact that you two are pressuring her to be with the two of you-you two will be making her be hated once more in the eyes of our parents who have been slowly gaining her trust once more." Jacob said seriously

"Mhm, All three of us have been slowly helping our parents and her meet half way on things that they've had disagreements on." Mitchel said nodding his head

Senri frowned "So...there's no way that I'll be able to be around Sina...is there?"

"As of now-no. Unless our parents some-how change their minds about the subject, there is no way in hell Sina is going to agree to anything."

Rima walked up towards Senri and held onto his arm tightly. "Is there any way we can talk with your parents? Maybe get them to understand our side of things? Maybe we can change their minds about it."

Jacob scoffed as he crossed his arms. "You can try all you want, but I doubt it'll work. Sina has promised to come over every weekend just to have dinner with us. Just so our parents can catch up with her and such. This weekend if you want to try to convince our parents, you're more than welcome to try."

Senri and Rima looked at one another before looking at the trio of males before them. "We'll be there."

Sina let out a stressed out sigh "Fuck...Alright, I'm going to need to know where you two live so I can know where to find the two of you."

"We've been living hotel to hotel since we came here four years ago." Rima stated honestly

Sina's teal eyes widened hearing her speak. "Wait what?! You seriously can't be telling me that you're pregnant and you don't even have a stable place to be! How are you even going to raise your child Rima?!"

Rima averted her eyes "W-We hadn't planned that far."

Sina face-palmed herself and sighed out. "Fuck my life...Alright, I can house the two of you. I have been looking for room mates. So after classes today you two are going to tell me where the hell you two have been staying so you two can get your things. After that I'll show you where I live and what you two will be up to you two."

Rima's eyes lit up hearing what she said. "R-Really?! You'd help us out?!"

"Of course, I see you as a friend. I'd like to keep that friendship if possible."

Rima let go of Senri before she hugged Sina tightly. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now