"I'll give you a DNA test and then me and my kids will get up out of here."

"I'm gonna get a drink. This is some crazy shit."He walked out of the house and i watched from the window as he kicked a stone over in our yard before getting in the car. 

The nigga had the audacity to be upset for me cheating after he done fucked half of north Carolina and other females on me. 

After putting the kids to sleep i went to sleep as well. I wanted Brick to come to me in my dreams. I wanted to see his face once more. I got woken up around 4 am to the sound of my phone ringing. 

I grabbed my phone and saw Drique's mom calling me.

"Hello?"I said in ahoarse voice

"Oh god Giselle Tydrique got into a car accident i am flying in now."


"12 am this morning."

"What ?! which hospital is he at?"


"I am having our maid watch over the kids and ill be there."

I hung up the phone and let the maide know what was going on . Still dressed in my pajamas and my jacket with my hair pulled back i drove to the hospital. In the waiting room sat Pride Mcgee and i couldn't understand why she was here. 

"What are you doing here?"

"I can explain at a later..."

"No explain now. you send clothing to my store from your line for the past three years...we have never met in person ..why are you at the hospital seeing my husband?"

Pride sat down and shook her head before looking back up at me.

"We have a daughter...her name is Karma."She said


"We have a daughter...she's three her name is Karma."

"So you slept with my husband?"

I tried to swing on her but a hand grabbed me. It was Drique's mother.

"Not right now Giselle."

"I am just here just in case he dies. I have to get payments for my daughter."

"You're worried about payments? Seriously?You should be worried that i don't put my foot up your ass."

"Mrs.Saunders?"The doctor called looking around the room. I gave Pride a dirty look then walked up to the doctor.

"I am Mrs.Saunders."

"Tydrique has had two surgeries so far. He is in a coma...he will be paralyzed and need a lot of assistance. are you able to provide that?"He asked

"Yes...i have no problem taking care of him at all."

"You have to know that he may never walk again Mrs.Saunders his accident was horrific and left a lot of damage."

I shook my head and began praying because despite what we went through i knew this would change everything for him.

"Thank you Doctor...when can me and his mother see him?"I asked

"You can go in...he is still in a coma but he can hear you."The doctor said

"He's not dead ...you can leave now whore."I said to Pride. Pride shook her head and grabbed her purse before leaving the hospital.

"Humble yourself, Giselle. right now is not the time. I know its a lot going on but please keep it together for Tydrique and my grandbabies."Tydrique's mother said pulling me to the side.

"I didn't grow up with a father...I do not want my children growing up without a father. I will do whatever i can to get Drique back to good health."I said

We walked in the room and prayed over Tydrique. His face was swollen and he had cuts over his arms and legs. He looked like he was in so much pain. When I wasn't at home with the kids i was at the hospital. The hospital bills were piling up but they got paid. Drique came out of his coma and didn't speak for the first couple of weeks. He wept and stayed silent. His career was over and he knew it. His brother helped me wheel him into the house and the kids were told beforehand that they couldn't jump all over him. Drique cracked a smile at them and then the waterworks came again. I gave Drique a bath and laid him down in the bed we once shared together before i helped Ahlirah with homework

"mama...will daddy always be in a wheel chair?"Ahlirah asked 

"No baby. he will get better soon...you will see." i said hugging her,

Parenting and helping Drique was a lot but i was doing it. He still hasn't talked since the accident.

I was still grieving the loss of Brick and it was hard to look at Jabri and not see him.

"How could you?" Drique finally said

I looked up from my book and stared at him.

"you spent four weeks in a coma. I fed you,bathed you and did everything a wife should and your asking me that?"

"Why would you keep going after we said we was going to let go the first time."

"Because while i forgave you i caught you cheating again.Drique...now is not the time for this. Now that you are speaking again i need you to tell me what you want to do from here. You can't go back to playing football but the league for awhile but they agreed to pay you while you're out."

"I guess I'm gonna retire. maybe do a couple movies. fuck Giselle i don't know how about you tell me what my kids are doing? "

"Oh they are you kids now?"

"Giselle...i am sorry.. i am sorry that i was a complete asshole to you. I am sorry that i had a child on you too. I want to spend my life with you. We can't go forward if you can't forgive and let go."

"I can forgive...your kids are fine...your mother took them for a couple weeks while i get you back on your feet."

"I know that Pride was at the hospital...have you talked to her?"

"Oh we talked in the hospital and outside of it. She's been getting the money you agreed with her monthly."


"Mari has been doing interviews since then....since you weren't paying her bills or getting her pregnant she decided to slander your name and telling people how you are a misogynist and made her abort your child together."

"If it helps her get to a bag fuck it. I am down and out , my career is over and my family is in shambles."

"Your career isn't over i am confident that you will start walking again soon."

Drique turned away and rolled away in his wheelchair. I was tired of being with him and he could feel it. I was focused on nursing him back to health so we could leave . I then began  to think that i was treating him bad. Maybe i was too hard on him.

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