Love bugs

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Francis is walking up to the front desk to get checked into his apartment. He sees Angus sitting alone staring at him while smiling. Francis gives Angus a small smile and wave. "Sorry, I'll be right back. This thing isn't loading correctly. " The man at the front desk says.

"That's fine," Francis says with a bit of attitude. He then checks his wrist to check the time. As he is about to put down his arm, he feels a touch on his back.

He quickly turns around, thinking someone is trying to take him. Instead, he sees Angus standing there. Francis finally admires Angus's looks. "Hello, sir." Angus says. "Hello," Francis says. "Are you interested in looking into the reason why cows produce milk?" Angus asks.

Francis looks at Angus, confused, but decides to say yes as he sees Angus holding out a business card with his number on it.

Angus smiles and hands the business card to Francis. "Thanks," Francis says. "No problem," Angus says with a wink. As Angus is walking away, Francis can't help but look at him and smile. Francis gets checked into his apartment and starts walking up the stairs to his room. He looks behind himself and sees Angus smiling at him. Francis smiles back. Francis walks into his room, thinking about taking a nap after a long day of work.
As he was closing the door, he could hear the faint noise of footsteps in the hallway.

The sound. It kept. Getting. Closer.
Suddenly, the sound stopped. On the other side of the door. Banging started in the door. "Who's there?" Francis asked hesitantly. "Hmmmmm," it said.  Alarms started going off. A voice came on the intercom "Stay in your rooms, there is a creature roaming the halls," the intercom lady said.
Francis started panicking. The banging on the door got louder.
The door swings open, and a creature that looks like Francis but with an extra eye and long ears stands before him.

Francis falls to the ground and starts screaming. The creature is getting closer. He has to run. Francis gets up and runs to the door. But he is very tired from a long day at work and only gets to the hallway until he falls.
He has no strength left.

Francis has accepted his fate. I guess he'll never see Angus again. *BANG*
Francis looks up to see Angus standing above the creature holding a gun. "Are you ok?" Angus says, walking up to Francis. Francis wants to say, "Now that you are here," but he controls himself. "Yeah," Francis says.
Angus holds out a hand in front of Francis. Francis smiles and grabs Angus's hand. It's soft and feels like a fluffy cloud.

"I'm gonna call the D.D.D." Angus says, letting go of Francis's hand.
"Oh ok," Francis says, staring into Angus's eyes. "How about you come with me? You can tell the D.D.D exactly what you saw, " Angus said. Francis finally realizes how serious this is. "I feel," Francis starts to say, but it was too late.

Francis woke up in the arms of Angus. "Oh God, are you ok?" Angus asks nervously. "Yeah," Francis says, looking up and staring into Angus's eye. They go quiet for a moment. Francis realizes how close his face is to Angus's.

Francis starts to get closer to Angus. Angus starts to lean down his head. Then the police sirens start. Angus lifts up his head and helps Francis up.
"Everyone clear out," a voice says. "You two." Someone points at us. "Come on, we need to investigate you," Angus grabbed Francis's arm and whipped him behind Angus. "Take the gun from my left pocket," Angus said. "NOW," Francis grabs the gun quickly, the faces the opposite way the Angus was facing. " What is going on?!" Francis asked in a hurry. "Doppelgangers," Angus says. "Doppelgangers pretending to be humans," Francis then sees a humanly figure walking up the stairs.

"Hold up the gun," Angus says. Francis sees a human figure, but it isn't so human. Without thinking, Francis shoots and hopes he gets the creature. Then the intercom comes on again. "GAS LEAK GET OUT OF THE BUILDING IMMEDIATELY" Francis looks to Angus. Angus looks to Francis. "Come on," Angus says,

grabbing Francis's hand. Flames rise up the whole building. "What do we do!?!?" Francis asked Angus. "Ugh, get on my back," Angus says. Francis jumps on Angus's back. "Hold on tight!" Angus yells. Angus jumped out of the 2nd floor window, and they landed in a bush. Everyone suddenly ran over to them to help. "BYE BYE DOPPELGANGERS," Angus yells, waving at the burning building.

"Hey, what's your name, friend?" Angus asks Francis. "Sorry, it's Francis. Nice to meet you." Francis says. "I think we have already met each other." Angus laughs. "I'm Angus." Angus lifts up Francis's chin. Francis blushes. "You have a little speck of dirt on your face!" Angus chuckles. "Are you sure?" Francis asks. Angus laughs "just a little." "looks like the fire is all out, " Angus says. "Let's go back inside,"Angus said, smiling. Francis smiles. Later that evening, Francis hears Angus on the phone . He can only make out a few words such as: Moving here, I need to, Be here, Friend.

Francis suspected something weird going on but didn't think much of it. Suddenly, he hears beeps coming from outside. Francis looked over the wall to see a big moving truck back into the parking lot.

As soon as he starts walking to his room, he hears the voice of Angus. Francis turns around quickly and sees Angus talking to the mover. Francis makes his way back to his room. But he can hear someone following him.

Step after step. It kept getting closer. Francis starts to move faster, but his eyes start to sag down from everything that has happened that day. "Doppelgangers," Francis thought. "What if they didn't die?" He needs to move quickly.

But suddenly Francis starts to get dizzy. And he collapses. "Francis, are you ok?" Angus asks. "Francis!?!?" Angus says again. Francis has no response. "Please, Francis," Angus says. "I like you," He whispers under his breath. Francis then wakes up. "You do?" Francis asks. Angus sighs. "I do, Francis," Angus says, lifting up Francis's chin.

Francis grabs Angus's hand. "I like you too," Francis says. They both leaned in for a kiss, but someone walked up the stairs to talk to Angus. "I'll be right back, Francis," Angus says. "I'm gonna head for my room, ok?" Francis says. Angus gives him a thumbs up and a smile.

"When would you like to start moving in?" the man asks Angus. "This week," Angus says. "But sir -" Angus cuts him off. "No buts. What I say goes, got it?" Angus says, starting to get angry. "Yes, sir." The man says, walking back down the stairs.

Francis is sitting on his bed, planning his life with Angus. Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door. Was it a doppelganger, or was it Angus. He had to make that risk. He opened the door to see Angus standing there smiling big and wide. "Wanna hear some great news!" Angys asks. "I would like to hear any great news from you, Angus," Francis says, grabbing onto Angus's shirt collar.

"I'm moving into this apartment Complex to see you more," Angus blushes. "Oh Angus, you don't have to do that much just to make the both of us happy," Francis says. "I would do anything to make you happy, Francis," Angus smirks.

"Angus just Fucking kiss me already we've got nothing to loose" Francis smirks. "That's makes me want to kiss you more now," Angus says. "I dare you too," Francis responds. "Ok then," Angus leans down a bit and feels his lips touch Francis's but not enough to count as a kiss.

"What's wrong?" Francis asked. "Nothing wrong. I was just thinking about the great memories You and me are going to make together," Angus smiles. Finally, they kiss and finalize their love for each other.

Later that week, Angus moves into the room next to Francis's so they can see each other all the time. They have so many fun times together. Until one day...

"Francis, I've been wanting to ask you something for a while," Angus says. "Francis Mosses, will you marry me?" "Yes yes a thousand times, yes!" Francis says in excitement. They kiss and live there life's being safe and protected from the doppelganger.

The end...maybe

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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