Hail Commander (1/2)

Start from the beginning

"Tread carefully love..." he whispered menacingly, a tingle of anticipation rolling up your spine as a knowing smirk cracked the dried dirt by his dimples. His eyebrow cocked, a hand you knew would leave a soiled trail down the fine silk of your dress sliding to rest on your lower back. "I am not in a merciful mood."

You bit your lip, watching Loki break into a mischievous smile. His teeth were blindingly bright against the stains streaked on his skin, layered effects of deadly strikes and blows and carnage mapped in each square inch of his face. "Do you see them?" he purred, tilting his head. You shivered, casting a glance to the dozens of Asgardian palace guards lined up along the promenade to the great hall; their stares fixed ahead. "They have orders to stay at their post all night." he murmured.

"Your father has organised a feast for your glorious return..." you hummed, as Loki hoisted you to sit atop the balustrade with a soft thump. Loki pursed his lips knowingly, a playful twang in his voice. "And I have still yet to bathe...as you may have noticed."

He placed a lingering kiss in the curve of your neck, the resulting groan of desperation from your parted lips making him chuckle against the skin.

"Do you wish me to stop?" he murmured, kissing messily up your heated neck as he spread your legs. You squirmed on the wide stone balcony, tightening your knees against his hips. His mud-roughed cheek grazed yours, warm breath making you shiver against the evening chill. "Do you have the strength to wait, love?"

"No..." you whispered shakily, letting your fingers unclasp the buckle slung over his chest. It loosened the front panel of his leather armour, falling open. Your hands dove inside, kissing him like he had returned from the dead. Perhaps he had.

"Good." he growled, whipping the sides of his leather battle garb around your widened thighs. Concealed fingers skimmed ribbons of silk up your legs, the fabric falling beneath his touch like enemies beneath his sword. Pushing it around your hips, he inhaled the musk of hot, feminine arousal rising between your bodies; sweet against the copper tang of his filth.

"You know not what I have done for this moment, love." he muttered, combing a dirt laden hand through your hair. "The chaos I have wrought."

Your back arched, feeling his wetted cock press against your slit; desperate and fierce. The stone of the balustrade grated against your ass as you shifted towards him, urging him to fill you with the closeness you missed. To complete you again.

"Loki..." you mewled pleadingly as a smirk tugged his cracked lips. It was tradition, that he would tell you his tales. Loki's return wouldn't be the same without them.

"I slaughtered legions, each demon falling to my feet with a final wail of hopeless anguish..." he whispered, nudging the leaking tip against your entrance. Your hips bucked upwards, urging him on.

"Their blood ran in rivers, darling. You should have seen it, the pathetic fear in their eyes before they felt the quick of my blade slice across their throat. F-fuck..." he groaned, breaching you with a low, guttural sigh.

Loki's fingers grasped around your thighs, tugging you down his cock. The scrape of the balustrade stone stung the curves of your flesh, any discomfort obliterated by the exquisite sensation of his manhood setting every nerve of pleasure alight. His metal wrist-guards pressed against the flat of your thighs as he rocked your hips, lost in the theatrics of his arousal.

"We tore t-through their defences..." he gasped, delivering small thrusts with aching precision. "It was brutal. Messy. We...g-gods...o-obliter-rated...their...uhhh...h-hope-"

"-More, Loki..." you keened in his ear, fingernails scraping down his shoulders beneath the overcoat as your head fell back. The god chuckled as he enveloped you, the cape like wings covering your modesty as he fucked you like a common whore, perched upon the balustrade.

The angle of his hips was perfect, each roll of them edging you closer to inevitable orgasm as a steady beat of drums began to pepper the air. The Procession, you realised; each beat of percussion seeming to tremble the very breath from your body.

"Their army p-parted like leaves...scattered, sand in the wind before our mighty f-force." he panted, edging deeper into your wet heat. Every drag of his heavy cock was tortuously slow, melting you from the inside out as he tried to maintain some element of subtlety. Your knees rose against his ribs, letting him lean you back over the balustrade.

"So much destruction, love." he murmured, as firelight from the wall torches flickered tepid warmth behind his head. "So much power your god held in his hands. All for you." The streets were full tonight, candles held by citizens setting the winding path to the palace alight in grateful homage.

A booming, solitary voice heralded from below, soaring to the heavens.
"Hail, the victorious dead." The familiar mantra vibrated around Asgard's high towers, washing over the muted hiss of the slow moving crowd walking the cobbled streets.
Hail, the ghostly refrain of a thousand souls echoed in response.
 "Hail, our glorious commander." the voice sang solemnly; the ceremonial vindication making Loki delve further into your cunt with a shuddering sigh.
Hail, Commander. Hail.
  Your voice joined the reverent murmurs of gratitude crashing against the walls of the palace like a wave, hundreds of feet below. Each syllable from your lips was a lullaby, whispered wetly against your commander's skin.

You clenched, hearing him hiss beneath the veil of tangled, filthy hair. He muttered ancient curses, pelvis grinding against your clit as he rocked you towards the precipice.

"How many, Loki...?" you groaned, feeling his balls tighten against your slick sex. He let out a growl, scraping his teeth down your cheek with a feral moan. "Thousands, my love." he purred darkly. "Dead at my feet."

With a strangled gasp, you came around him; leaning into his war-soaked leathers to stifle the scream clawing in your throat. You had no idea how clandestine your fucking truly was, but whatever the guards thought they were seeing out the corner of their eye - you did not intend to confirm it.

"They cried for m-mercy at the end." Loki gasped, tacky curls falling against his brow as he watched himself sink inside your leaking pussy, still quivering with aftershock. "Their cries...uhh..that's it, f-fuck, d-darling...their cries went unanswered."

Loki's breath hitched at his own words, a wavering moan snaking past his lips as a low hiss. The god's carved jaw pointed to the stars, clenching as he approached climax with a dirty growl rolling in his chest.

"No mercy." you whispered against his cheek, concealing another moan in his shoulder as he fucked you to the slow beat of drums in the distance.

"No mercy." he echoed quietly, before fastening his mouth to yours.

Loki Smut Oneshots (lokisgoodgirl)Where stories live. Discover now