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( Third person pov)

She ran and ran until her feet hurt, it was raining.she didnt knew where she was going. All she knew she had to run away from her horrible parents and her horrible life.
Tears were streaming down her cheek as she tripped harshly on ground scrapping her knees. The blood dripping down her knees mixing with rain as she whimpered in pain.

why was i even born? She thought to herself. She tore her skirt tying it up around her wound to stop the bleeding.
She tried to stand up but failed to as she felt her legs giving up.

"You have gotten bolder y/n." Dread filled her face as she recognised the voice. It was Satoru. Gojo satoru he was the next heir to the most powerful clan. He was the guy who was supposed to love her cherish her or so she thought he was her fiance.

"S-satoru i--" she tried explaining but he cut her off. "Save it you voice annoys me" he mumbled as he dragged her along her knees scrapping them even more.she cried out in pain. "S-stop it hurts!" She said trying to free herself only to earn a hard slap from him.

"Is it my fault? Why did you run away,huh? Are you that desperate for attention? Speak another word and i will make sure that it will be you last" satoru yelled as he continued to drag her. "P-please" y/n whispered earning a sigh from him he had no choice he carried her in a bridal style not daring to look at her,he hated it he was soft to her.

After they reached back to gojo estate they were greeted by maids who lowed their heads in respect. Satoru gave them a dismissal wave before speaking "Shower,you stink" he said as he put her down harshly and walked away. "I will be in my study call me if you need anything" with that rude tone he walked away leaving her alone in care of maids.

"Miss l/n let us help you!" Jen said her tone kind and cheerful. "N-no i am fine i can manage it on my own" y/n said looking down she needed some time to think. She walked away limping her wounds still fresh and bleeding. "Maam you knees are bleedi-" y/n cut her off. "Fucking mind you own buisness" she walked away pissed knowing that she would regret it later. She hated her life

Walking upstairs she saw satoru shirtless talking on his phone yelling like he always does his eyes fell on her and her bleeding wound as he motioned her to sit on bed. Y/n sat as ordered as satoru ended the call as sat infront of her.

"You are clumsy aren't you? Just a child begging for attention" he said as he grabbed a first aid kit and begain treating her wounds.
"Why did you run away?" He asked her staring at her brown eyes which were lifeless. "I needed some spac-" she was cut of as he pressed her wound harshly earning a whimper from her. "You think i care? You can die for all i care but i need you to stay put till our marriage i need the fucking money you hear me?" He yelled as she nodded tears threatning to fall

"I-i am sorry" was all she could say. Satoru bandaged her wound and stood up but she held his arm.
"D-dont go p-please don't leave me alone here" she begged knowing that her parents would be here soon to visit them. Satoru harshly laughed, before speaking "i have a job,honey. I don't sit all day spreading my legs for it" he said pushing her hand away but she held it tighter. "P-ple--" satoru pinned her down on bed. "Do i speak chinese? Do you not understand simple words?" He said as he leaning in his lips inches away from hers as if he was daring her to speak. "I--" she couldnt speak her voice betrayed her.satoru groaned as he stood up grabbing his shirt. "We will talk later till then do whatever the fuck you want." He walked away leaving her all alone he always does
"Why cant he love me?" She clutched her chest as she started to cry. She was tired but That's all she was..just a mere object.
She hated her life
"I wish i was never born" she mumbled as she cried herself to sleep

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