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"Idun, I'm facing off against some tough opponents," I reply, my expression grave, "I need some back up

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"Idun, I'm facing off against some tough opponents," I reply, my expression grave, "I need some back up."

Idun smirks before addressing the Phantom Thieves. "Well, well, well, Persona users, hm? Okay, we can definitely give you a hand. After all, that's what friends are for. Besides, if it's you we don't mind. Next time, however, try not to call me when I'm doing your chores."

I slouch, feeling a sense of regret creeping in. "I'm already regretting this..."

Idun turns her attention to the Phantom Thieves, her expression turning serious as she addresses them. "Listen up, you lot," she begins, her voice carrying a weight of warning. "You should know that you've made a massive mistake challenging the Untamed Sun himself. He's pretty tough, y'know! You're about to have a long night."





It's difficult for me to express emotions. I envy other people. They seem to navigate through life with such ease, their faces lighting up with laughter or furrowing in concern. But for me, it's like trying to decipher a language I've never learned.

Ever since I started having these visions, glimpses of a world consumed by darkness, it's been even harder. I can feel the weight of the impending doom pressing down on me, suffocating any semblance of normalcy.

Looking people in the eye has become a struggle. It's like staring into a bottomless pit, seeing glimpses of something beyond comprehension. I can't help but wonder if they can see it too, if they can sense the darkness lurking just beneath the surface.

So I keep my gaze lowered, avoiding their eyes as much as possible. It's easier that way, safer. But it also makes me feel isolated, like I'm trapped in my own little bubble while the rest of the world moves on without me.

And when I do speak, my words come out guarded, veiled in layers of ambiguity. It's not that I don't want to connect with others, but I'm afraid of what they might see if they look too closely. Afraid of what I might reveal without meaning to.

The coughs have gotten worse, to the point where I drew blood. It's unsettling, to say the least. The doctors couldn't find anything wrong, no signs of cancer or any other illness. 

Some people refer to me as a delinquent, and I wouldn't exactly say they're wrong. I was in a biker gang since I was in middle school, along with other kids my age. I tried growing my hair out to hide my tattoo, and I've been mostly successful.

But now, as a freshman at Gekkoukan, I saw it as a chance for a fresh start, or so I hoped. My temper still flares, and I struggle immensely with academics.

Hardly the poster child for student behavior.

It's May, almost two months into the school year, give or take. I've shown up to class about half of the time.

The Demon Summoner | Persona Trilogy x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now