c h a p t e r_t w e n t y f i v e: green flag or red(?)

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Yukki Minami the stranger introduced himself properly, he is Y/n's boyfriend in the world of BOCC. They have been in a relationship ever since 9th grade, so it's been three years, since he goes into a different university they were in a long distance relationship for a year, letters were passed around to each other, until it stopped.

"Why letters?" Y/n interrupted Yukki in the middle of telling a story, "To make it more romantic of course." He was sitting across her despite his protests, eventually he followed through her request. She slumped on her seat she looked ever so defeated.

'Hoshi, why is this happening?' Yukki looked at her eyes then back at her lips, his eyebrows creasing, as if he was begging for her to take a hint of something a habit of his that she noticed yet she tries to ignore, "Yukki please stop that!"

"Stop what?" He asked, his voice began to sound a little whiny, "That!"

"Love i-"

"I missed you so much, i just found out you lost your memories."

"Our memories." Tears started to stream down his cheeks, his eyes started to get red from the tears,"Have you found someone else?" A question he was inkling to ask ever since they had sat down to talk, Y/n's chest started to ache upon seeing him cry, it hurts.

Please stop this.  Albeit the voices in her head telling her to let the whole situation unfold to see what her next actions are gonna be, hesitantly she stood up and sat down beside him, patting back soothingly.

'Should i even tell him that i am not the Y/n he knows?'

"Yukki, please stop crying."

He looked at her his face drenched in tears, "Listen, I didn't find someone." She stuttered, she didn't want to admit but there is a part of her that found him incredibly attractive, more so when he does the triangle eye method.

Yes it was working.

Specially with his sleepy eyes, and soft spoken voice that seemed like he doesn't know how to raise his tone. An unhinged way to describe him, but somehow it oddly attracted Y/n to him, she can't blame the old Y/n for dating a man like him.

Taking the boxes tissues from the coffee table, she handed it to him, simultaneously debating whether to tell him the truth, it would be the result of an unforeseen disaster or she could have a helping hand to help her get out of the universe that's not hers.

"Follow me." Y/n said.

Kotaro walked aimlessly throughout the school a small box clutched in his palms, he scanned through the halls for a certain girl. He was supposed to give an apology gift for what has occurred in the morning. 

Did he skip school just to buy the gift? Yes. Hence he was unaware about the girl's whereabouts, Kotaro wondered why the school didn't suspend him yet for skipping twice, but he'll take the win.

Was skipping school becoming a trend amongst the students of class c? Yes.

Don't copy this behavior kids!

Kotaro was losing hope, he was getting loose ends into finding Y/n. Taking in his surroundings properly finally noticing how far he has looked for the said girl. He stood outside the library, it was his last hope in finding her if she wasn't there he is about to lose it-

"Fix your bad habit of standing on doorways." A cold tone snapped him out of his train of thoughts, his eyes meeting dull looking ones, "You're-" Kotaro paused as he was snapping his fingers as if it would help him remember the familiar looking guy in front of him.

"Y/n's friend right?" He pointed to Azure who looked at him coldly.

"Boyfriend." He corrected, taking Kotaro aback from his statement, "Woah there buddy, she's single."

"I know it." He replied, he was sure that Y/n would never go for a guy like Azure. The male before him is nothing compared to Kotaro.

"Well obviously you don't know, me and her are taking it slow as of late." His eyebrows creased at Azure's persistence, "Wait seriously?" He asked almost in a whisper like tone. "Don't believe me?"

Azure sighed tirelessly as he reached for his phone that's on his left pocket, quickly opening it, he pressed the message icon. Before showing the conversations between him and Y/n.

Her Nickname being; Mine<33

And the messages in question were rather flirty and some are pictures both parties sent to update each other about their day when they're not together. Taking a mental note, Y/n never once sent a picture of her face to Azure.

Snatching the cellular device from Kotaro, Azure bit back a menacing grin, thanks to Artificial Intelligence, he was able to make a character that acts and speaks like Y/n, his perfect replica of her, isn't living on the modern age just so amazing?!

"Now do me a favor and stay away from my girlfriend, ok?"

Upon arriving outside her room, Y/n pushed Yukki inside as soon as she opened the door, quickly closing it behind locking it. Turning to the male to open her mouth to talk, only to be cut off by a pair of lips pressed against hers;

His hands were immediately on her hips pulling her body close to him as his lips moved on her lips whilst her were frozen in shock. Upon realizing his kisses were not reciprocated he stopped, opening his eyes to look at her.

The same eyes he was giving her back at the living room, "Love?" He asked his voice shaking as his eyes once more started to gloss, Y/n wanted to push him away, curse at him, better yet report his behavior.

Yet she can't seem to lift a finger, her body doesn't want him to leave. Her heart betraying what her brain wants. Putting her hand on his chest, she pushes him gently to give them both space.

Yukki didn't budge, instead he moved his hands to rest around her waist, she couldn't back away, not when her back is pressed on the door. A kabedon as what the media depicts it, but his hands were on the sides of her waist, seemingly to hold her in place, or the latter.

"Love, please tell me you remember at least a memory of us."

"I could report you for this." She says sharply, her heartbeat was running miles, and the mushy feeling overwhelming her senses fully, Yukki's perfume evading her nostrils wasn't working either.

She could feel the old Y/n's soul, or her heart and how it longs for the man holding Y/n in a very intimate position.

"You won't."

"I will."

Silence dawned upon the two, nobody budged from their positions, his gaze held hers there noses almost touching, Y/n had to crane her neck to their height difference to look at him properly.

"Then push me away." He said in a hopeless tone, "Tell me to fuck off and never show my face." Yukki prayed that she wouldn't, waiting for her answers and he received none.

"My love, you may have forgotten who i am."

Wrapping his arms around her waist now, letting it reside there loosely before continuing; "But your heart never forgot the love you hold for me."

Taking his arms off her gently as she once more placed her hand on his chest, pushing him to get a distance between the two, Yukki's heart ached, nevertheless he never once got close to her. Wanting to respect her decision.

"Look Yukki, everything right now is complicated, and I can't have this- "

"I can't have you adding into my problems, no offense."

"Then tell me what can i do to help."

"Love, you know i will do anything for you right?" Yukki reasoned with the girl, "Will you really?"


"I need you to be open minded of what i'm about to say Yukki." He nodded, anticipating on what she's about to say next;

"I am not the Y/n you know."

"I am a different Y/n."

- To Be Continued

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