I chuckle a bit," I'm sorry for disturbing you during your work hours but hey, you chose to answer the call, I'll take it as you not extremely busy right now.
So tell me what's the deal with Trevor and Taylor?" I ask her, getting straight to the point and she sighs.

"Trust me. It's a deep rabbit hole. They are childhood best friends. Have been there for each other through thick and thin. But now Trevor is a dick because of his teammates and treats Taylor badly. And Taylor is in a delusional hope that one day Trevor will realize it, and they will go back to how they were. It's been years, the guys not going to change and Taylor knows it too, she's just too scared to let go. 

Between you and me, if I were a guy in love with her, I'd immediately play foul and break them apart and keep her all to myself. Taylor's an angel and Trevor now doesn't deserve her. She told me a few minutes ago that she will slowly start blocking Trevor. But I know the girl. She'd never be able to do that. She doesn't have the heart to leave people or break anyone's heart. I wish there was a way I could help her....you know...create a distance between them so the separation looks more natural. Like they grew apart which they actually did. But also from Taylor's part." she said all the gossip as if she was waiting for me to ask her. Way too suspicious, as if she could read my mind. 

"You want me to separate them? I'll keep Tay-Tay busy...I happen to love annoying her. Her grumpy face is worth a sight" I say and I swear I hear a smile in her voice.

" That would be the best thing you can ever do in your life. But Taylor won't like that... You need my help in that?" She asks but I refuse.

"Olives, I have an incredible smart brain and luck. Life will help me out. Also...you gonna tell me what's Taylor's deal? Why she always so serious?" I ask her, being more nosey.

" I don't know that yet....maybe some kind of family issues. She doesn't talk about her family. I'd bet my entire money,  Trevor would be your person who'd know all about her." she says but yeah me talking to Trevor was never going to happen. I disliked the guys from my heart.

"Yeah. No worries. Imma keep the phone now, not going to disturb your precious work. You do know you are workaholic right?" I tease her at the end and Olivia snorts.

"Right, and you do know you are a little obsessed with Taylor right?" She says and this time I snort.

"Just curious. You know how nosey I get. You are bound to become nosey and gossiping when you grow up with extremely dramatic nosey gossiping sisters. I'm like the 4th sister! Sup sis, you have anything ya talk bout your girl is right here to talk ta ya!" I say in a girly high pitch voice and hear her laugh and soon she ends the call.

"Dude, You're getting obsessed with Taylor. She's all you are talking and thinking about since yesterday! What caught your attention in her?" Sean says as he sits beside me and I simply shrug.

"Honestly I've got no idea. She isn't beautiful enough to grab my attention or it could be that reason that she was confident enough to burst in our locker room without her makeup or caring about her appearance and confront me. She looked so adorable and tiny when she pinned me against the wall. Yup. It must have been that moment. Her tiny bare confident self boosting with Energy and confidence. The girl is different. Doesn't want to pretend and is honest. She's the most real girl I have ever seen. Unlike other girl's who needs materialistic things to" I say after deep analyzing. Sean shakes his head.

"Bro. If she's good, I'm all in for ya, but if she is anything like Trevor, then my friend I fear for your heart" he says and I immediately stops him.

" Wait a minute. Bro, who said anything about hearts getting involved? I am merely curious about her, not dreaming of dating her!" I say and Sean stops whatever he was doing and stares at me with raise brows, challenging what I just said, and when I didn't answer anything,  he simply smiles, gets up and pat my back,
"We'll see brother....we'll see".

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