Chapter 1 Messy Beginning and Tacos

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Aaron POV.
Wendy's 5:00pm

Okay, this is not how I wanted my life to end up but it's my fault. I Hate It. My life is so fuckin messed up that I keep making these dumb mistakes.




All of these describe me. It's not my fault my brain is full of shit. Out of all my siblings I came out as the dumb one. Now here I am twenty one years old working a full-time job as a fast food Wendy's employee.

You're probably wondering how my life came to this, well it all started while I was still in my mother's womb.

I was destined for a messed up life.

I was supposed to be born in the month of May but ended up being born early in April.

Yes, the month of a fool.

If that lady didn't bump my mother's stomach so hard she wouldn't have gone in early labor, I wouldn't have gotten stuck in her stomach were they had to perform a C-section just to get me and my mother out of that hospital alive. My brain probably didn't fully developed making me have no common sense in this crazy world.

Being the third oldest child isn't easy, if you have seven other siblings that are talented in their own way they make you want to stand to the side. They are not just talented they are effortlessly perfect in very way.

Heck, I might be adopted.

Was I switched at birth or something?

Cus I know for damn sure something went wrong?

Seven supers stars and one idiot of a geek, Thank you God (Sarcasm)

I am not jealous.

If I was don't you think I would try harder to be better?

Trying to get some chicks to like me?

Well that's not me.

Being alone, it's peaceful and quiet, no sounds just how I like it. I am not a loner I have some friends each with different personalities that we don't argue about our likes or dislikes.

During the course of my life has been nothing but my stupid idiotic moments that I can't take back.

Living in LA has its perks not going to lie guess I could be proud about that. But every day has been the same now wake up, chores, get dressed for work, work for eight hours straight, come home and sleep a non ending cycle.

5 hrs later
10:30 pm

Ding, Ding

Ding, Ding

My alarm goes off notifying my end of the shift.

Yes, freedom finally!

Grabbing my stuff I quickly ran as if my life depends on it waving a quick goodbye to my boring old managers, who could careless.

Well it sucks to be them!

Getting on my bike I pedal my lazy ass home.

12:00 am (still nighttime)

Quietly unlocking the door, I slowly creep inside my house.



Fuckin three story house and these damn doors creek.

Yes, I'm late but had to grab some tacos from a food truck, knowing my siblings probably didn't save me any dinner. If any one of them wake up they will probably take away my tacos.

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