"All of you get to the tower, quickly, before it's too late"

"Since those scalies are slavers, I think they're enslaving the fairies."said Sev "keep her safe,Kid I'll make sure your parents see you smile again."

"Thank you..." Said the young fairy.

Lydia then flew away with the child and the fairy child held her hand as she flew with her

"I knew you always had a soft spot in there Sev."said Scorch

"From what I've learned from the cottage earlier, I know what is like to be more than just violence"said Sev "It opened my mind up a bit ."

"that doesn't sound like the Sev I know."said Scorch "I think the fairy isle has finally gotten to him."

"You really have a morbid sense humor."said Astrid

They all then sneak around and see the entrance to the the watchtower to find a horrendous surprise as a bunch of fairies are gathered all tied up,Some of the men are beaten up by the slavers and the women are forced to watch in terror.
They went to the back of the tower and luckily, there's no lizard men nearby to see the horrors, within it.

Boss use the scope, again, to spot anyone guards them down. They then sees there are some guards hiding in the facility.

"Okay, I think we can set it right here."

"Then, let's the plan moving." Said Phinium,

"I'm not so sure yet. It could be lead into a trap." Said Boss.

"Let's throw a flashbang grenade to blind them and Ambush them."said Sev

Fixer grabbed one of the flashbacks and throws them to the guards, and as it flashes in, giving a white light, the crew rushing in quickly but silently.

He grabbed one of the flashbacks, and Sev shank them for accurate measure the length and height first right before they throw it. They continue on climbing the stairs they get near the entrance from the hallways to stairs

"What now,They're still there summoning who knows how many lizards."whispered Astrid

They look at her for a moment and Nahuel slowly steps forward to see what was going on,as he stepped up, he looked above and saw a tall but thin trandoshan,But this trandoshan wasn't a regular slaver,not even a merc or Elite,Nahuel realized who this trandoshan was and it was none other than Bossk,a trandoshan who was one of the most feared Bounty Hunters in the galaxy and a rival and enemy to Chewbacca and Han Solo,Nahuel couldn't believe it was him and he crawled back down the stairs to retrieve another flashbang detotanator

"Uh, Nahuel, what are you doing?" Kid Cosmic asked as he saw him getting an another detotanator

"Don't worry, this will work like the last time." He replied

Scorch them hands him the flashbang,Nahuel nods at him and they all nod,Once then Nahuel throws the flashbang and the room lights up with light causing the trandoshans to be blinded,Delta Squad then entered the room and began shooting the trandoshans,All but one was spared and that was Bossk

"I guess we're not the only ones here in this place." Said Bossk.

"Bossk." Said Nahuel " One of Han Solo and Chewbacca's rivals."

"You're the one who cause all of this!" Said Sev.

"Explain why you're bringing your forces to RAU and here!"yelled Kid Cosmic

"do you really think I would answer to a little child?"said Bossk only for Sev to threaten him with his Vibro blade,He seemed unfazed but Kid Cosmic then used his telekinesis to have the tied up trandoshan over the edge as if he was gonna be dropped from the building,Bossk panicked for a moment but kid cosmic pulled back inside,Bossk then had an angered expression

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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