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"Isaac! Where the hell are you!?" Ember yelled quietly into her phone as she got her brother's voicemail again.

She walked into the bar Rousseau's, which is where she told Isaac to meet her at 12. The time is currently 12:45. So what if she was late? He should expect that of her, but him? Isaac was never late.

She went up to the bar and ordered herself some gumbo from the bartender named Camille and waited for her ignorant and arrogant little brother.

"Rough day?" The blonde bartender asked as Ember slumped on the barstool with a sigh.

"Yeah, my glib brother is late for a very important meeting, his words, not mine. What food is even in this place?"

"Well, our gumbo is famous. They say that our cook, Sophie, bleeds a bit of her soul into every dish."

"That's disgusting... I'll take it." Camille laughed and rang in the order, she started to work on making drinks for the other people at the bar, but still keeping conversation with the young brunette.

"I'm Ember, by the way. If you're going to hear me complain about my arrogant brother, you may as well know my name." Ember said as she took spoonfuls of the gumbo.

"I'm Camille but please, call me Cami... Camille is so..." Cami trailed off.

"French?" Ember filled in for her.

Cami laughed, "Exactly."

Just as Ember was finishing the exquisite gumbo, the door opened and the bell chimed as Isaac Dice made his way to his sister. He sat down next to her and ordered a beer.

"Where have you been?" Ember questioned him, turning to face him.

"Right here. I have been right here." Cami gave him his beer.

Ember snorts, "Liar."

"I've been around town. Hanging out with my friends."

"You don't have any friends." Ember said.

Isaac put a hand to his chest and acted offended, "I'll have you know, dearest sister of mine, I do have friends."

"Oh yeah? Name one." Ember said. After she said that Isaac just had a blank look on his face. "My case in point."

"You don't always need to know where I am all the time." Isaac rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? August 2-" Isaac slapped a hand over his sister's mouth, making her lick his hand.

"Ew! What the fuck, Em!"

"That's what you get for bringing your hand over my mouth. But, yet again, I am right. I always will be, forever and always, right."

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes as he took a swig of his beer.

"Anyways what did you want to meet about?"

"Mother called." With those two words, Ember froze like ice.

Her tone changed to a more cold one as she spoke. "What did she want?"

Isaac sighed as he hunched back in his seat. "She said she already told you-"

"No!" Ember exclaimed but quickly quieted down once she realized she was in public. She would hate to make a scene. "I already told her my answer. And God, she couldn't come here herself? What a bitch."

Isaac sighed, he knew his sister would be like this-her reaction. "She said she wanted to make amends, I-"

Ember cut her brother off again. "She said that last year and the year before and the year before and every single year I try to hard to be there for her and she ruins it. And the fact that you are trying to vouch for her is pathetic. I thought you were better than this, Isaac. I thought you were on my side for once." With that, Ember got up, slammed some cash on the bar top and left.

Isaac watched her leave as he shook his head. Ember had always had temperament issues, she got them from their mom.

Unbeknownst to the siblings, a particular vampire was watching them, maybe he could use these supernaturals to the best of his abilities?

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