Chapter 1

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You look at the large building infront of you. 'Amazook' was plastered on the front of it.

Today was your 'amazook employee training session' as the person that you spoke to on the phone called it.

You hesitate before entering the intimidating building, but you bite the bullet and push open the door.

You are greeted by a questionable looking individual. He is extremely pale, almost paper white skin, and he is wearing a white suit with a red shirt, and a strange prism hat. You've definitely never seen anybody like him before.

He introduces himself as "FiddlePat" and he asks for your name.

"Well, It's very nice to meet you but you are...very early, we still have to wait for the rest of the group." He spoke in a kind voice but you could tell this was supposed to be a bit of a jab at you.

You stand awkwardly beside eachother.

You could tell there was something wrong with this place, but what other choice did you have. You NEED a job.

"Would you like a small tour of the place while we wait?" He asks, breaking the silence.

"Sure, why not."

Fiddlepat turns on his heel and begins walking towards a large wall of boxes, you follow swiftly behind him

"Try not to knock them over." That is the only thing he says before he starts walking again.

He brings you to a small table with a chair and some playing cards on it.

He stays silent as you look at it. You then look at him, assuming he will say something about it but he just nods and walks away.

Next you go to the forest of 'Realistic trees'.
"Why are the called 'realistic trees'? They are literally made out of cardboard." You ask, suspiciously.

"They look real to me...?" Fiddlepat scoffs at you, as if you've done something extremely wrong.

You both continue the tour of the factory...

New employee. (Fiddlepat x F!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now