"I was somewhere a few minutes ago! Just put me back there!" He demanded, swinging an arm out to the side in disbelief. "If that place didn't exist, how could the coach have found me to begin with?!"

Crowley turned his head to look at the boy, peering at him from over his caped shoulder, looking much like a bird. "Might I ask... From what country do you hail?"

"Japan!" The boy answered easily, only for Crowley's head to knock to the side in question.

"Ja...pen?" The headmaster rolled the word around his mouth a few times, seeing how it felt on his tongue, before bringing up a hand to his chin and cupping it in the space between his finger and thumb. "And where might that be?"

His question earned a shocked step back from the boy, his eyes growing wide in surprise as Crowley continued.

"Our students come from all over the world, and I am well acquainted with many of their homelands. But I've never heard of that name before."

He turned to face the boy fully, crossing his arms over the bird handle of the cane in front of him. "Young man, I certainly hope you are not lying to me."

"You've never heard of Japan?" A bead of sweat runs down his forehead as he looked around, turning to look at every other person in the room.

Poor guy, he looks like he just discovered his entire existence was fake and his whole life was a lie.

At a silent response from everyone, with them either looking away or not even responding at all despite looking at him, his lips thinned into a tight line. "Not even one person here has heard of Japan?"

You ever so slightly shook your head, giving him a response nobody else in the room was giving him. He sighed, his shoulders slouching slightly before he straightened his back, adjusting the two things he carried on either shoulder.

"In that case... I'll just have to find a way home myself!" He stated aloud, despite it seeming like he was speaking to himself more than anything.

The boy took a couple of strides away from the mirror, who's mask-face surrounded by green flames, still remained in the reflection, before stopping.

"Ugh! Where's the exit...?!" He looked around the room, surveying all the possible exits before finally spotting it. "There!"

He quickly resumed his strides, intending on leaving through the double doors, but before he could reach them, someone spoke up.

"I recommend waiting before you leave, after all, our feminine fellow is without a dorm assignment, and it'd be best to send them home."

The boy stopped in place, turning around to look back at the room's occupants.

You quickly whirled around to face Crowley, a confused look on your face as you hugged Grim a little closer.

Spinning his cane in his hand a few times, he continued, "This is the first time such a thing has ever happened since I became headmaster, so it would be best for us to venture to the library after our fledgling has been sent home."

The name he used felt off, like he displeased having to use such a thing on me.

"Housewarden's, if it isn't too much, may I request that you gather up your fled dormitory members and return them all to their dorms?" Crowley said, turning towards Riddle before the other robed figures all seated near the Dark Mirror.

A group of different acknowledgements of his request came from the 6 (plus the bodyless voice), yet there was grumbling from one of them and a deeper voice groaned in annoyance.

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