Chapter 2

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"Hisako..." I hear my mothers voice in the distance.

"Hisako..." It seems to be getting louder.

"Hisako!!" The yell is no longer distant but right in my ear.

"Mhhm?" I lift my head up confused. I look around and realize that I am on the floor.

My mom looks at me with what looks to be a mixture of worry and terror.

"Hisako, what happened." She yells.

"Mom you don't need to yell I'm right here, I'm fine. I guess I just got tired." I try to reassure her.

"Tired?!" She seems mad now. "The couch is right there!" She points behind her, she looks down at me, and the worry that once filled her eyes is replaced with anger. "You have to tell me what is going on Hisako."

I hesitate. How do I tell her about the visions? Will she think I'm crazy? Will she be even more mad then she is now? I take a deep breathe.

"I was afraid to tell you because I didn't think you'd believe me..." I pause, not wanting to say anymore, but I don't really have a choice.

"Ever since I was little I've been having these visions of this place. I don't really know what it is, or where it's at...but I think that's where the dragon lives." I look up at my mom, her mouth is open and she looks terrified. She looks like she might pass out.

"How..." She seems to be talking to herself. "How can this be...this can't happen."

"What can't happen momma?" I ask, although in my heart I feel afraid to know.

She takes a deep breathe. "There is a world Hisako, that is beyond ours. It is a very dangerous scary place, you must never go there. You must never speak a word about it. Do you understand?"

" But how do you know mom? How do you know about this world? How must I not talk about it when I'm always having these visions?" I seem a little to anxious as I speak, but I am only curious as to why my mom knows so much about this mysterious world.

"I know, because I once went in this world when I was about your age." She sighs. "I swore I never tell a living soul about this." She looks up at me. "You mustn't tell anyone. I am telling you and only you this story, your father doesn't even know and I plan on keeping it that way. Do you understand? She ask.

"Yes momma." I reply

" Okay then. When I was ten years old my parents an I were trying to find out new house, which by the way is the house we live in now...but anyways. My father took a wrong turn, but he told us not to worry because it could be a short cut. So we took the short cut, but we were soon stopped by this statue and a big wall that was blocking the road. My father got out interested to see what it was. I was frightened, I didn't want to go, but my father insisted that it was an old amusement park and that there was nothing to worry about. So he lead the way, it was a long ride and my parents got hungry. They smelled delicious food and followed it until they got to this food stand. They started to eat, but I refused to, I was to afraid that we were going to get in trouble. So I wondered off. I found what looked to be an old bathhouse, but I was soon to realize that it was still in business. This boy yelled at me to go away before it was to late. So I ran off to find my parents. All around me there were these weird creatures, once I found my parents, I told them we had to hurry and go, but I found they had been turn into pigs. My friend Haku took me under his wing and helped me get a job, I had to work to help my parents. I trusted very few people, mostly only Kamaji, Rin, Haku, and Granny."

She paused, look down at her hands. "I think that's enough of the story, it's late Hisako, you should go to bed now. Come one, I'll tuck you in." she said kissing my forehead.

I grabbed her hand as she took me to my room. I had so many questions running through my mind. Mom seemed pretty upset, so I just better not ask. How could there be another world? How can I see visions of only that world?

My mom put me in my bed and put the blankets on me. " Goodnight momma." I say.

She smiles at me " Goodnight Hisako."

She starts to walk out the door but then pauses. " Hisako, what visions have you seen besides the dragon?"

"Well.." I begin " I don't remember all of them but there was one where a little girl had lost her pink shoe in the river and as she was trying to get it she fell in, and the one I had earlier there was a boy and a girl, she asked him if they would see each other again...Hey momma was that you? Are you the one in my vision?"

She looked at me and smiled but there was sadness in her eyes.

"Yes, Hisako. I am the little girl. Goodnight honey." Her hands were on her belly as she walked out of my room.

Momma was the girl in all my visions? Why are my visions of the other world? But the number one question that was on my mind is...

Who was this boy?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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