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Sina ended up getting herself ready for her first day of college, as she did she intentionally made sure she stepped on the plush doll as many times as she could and kicked it in the wall more than a few times. The detest she had for him was something that she never had for anyone-not even her ex-friend who got killed in jail. Once she got to the college she went to she went to her first class and sat down in the center near the front as she chose to eat a breakfast bar while she waited for the class to start.

While she did she read one of her favorite books until she heard the voice of two familiar people to her, she refused to look up from her book until she heard them sit by her. She averted her eyes to look beside her to see the female of the duo sitting right beside her leaning against the long table.

"...can't really think after four years she'll want to talk to you. You didn't even tell her that touching that thing made you and I come here. You are so stupid you know that? What's the name of the female you met in that place anyways?"

"Hanabe Sina."

"Maybe she goes to this college it is a big place after all-when you find her you need to talk to her and tell her everything."

"Yeah....I know."

Sina didn't like that Rima wanted her and Senri to talk, so she shut her book and let out a sigh. "Rima don't even think about having that lazy bastard talk to me."

Rima jumped hearing her speak. "W-wait you're her?"

"I am. What exactly does that lazy good for nothing husband of yours need to tell me that he didn't have the gull to tell me before?" Sina asked unamused

"Our times meshed with one another within the four years of you two not talking with one another. I know it's on him, but for things to go back to normal you two need to talk with one another."

Sina let out a scoff "Not a chance, do you have any idea how obsessed he sounds in that dream place? He doesn't sound like himself-so no thanks."

"I know he's obsessed with you, and I'm okay with that. You are really beautiful. If he wanted you as his second wife I wouldn't be objectional about it."

Sina looked at her as if she was insane "You do realize what you are incenting do you not?"

"Oh I do."

"You also realize that I'm human not vampire like the two of you."

"Now that part isn't completely true. You don't know your family history do you?" Rima asked with a smile

Sina blinked her eyes a few times "W-What do you mean by that?"

"So...she doesn't know yet?" Rima ask Senri

"She doesn't know until she gets into her first relationship which is a bust." Senri said shaking his head

"Okay what the fuck do you two know about me that I don't? I'm really getting annoyed here."

"You are a vampire as is the rest of your family, they just hide it because they don't want to tweak you out. Don't you think it's odd that your entire family can't go out in the sun, that your family eats a rather odd diet and even is more active at night instead of in the mornings and afternoons?" Rima inquired

She blinked her eyes a few times "But I can though...I've always been able to."

"You're still a virgin, once you're not that's when that stops." Senri stated

Sina averted her eyes hearing him speak "That's pretty damn messed up to hear from a lazy asshole."

"Are you really going to call me that after all this time? I know I messed up but I'm trying to fix everything Sina, can you stop being so damn stubborn its getting rather annoying."

"Well so are you so deal with it."

Rima knew that there was something that Senri and her were missing and chose to get up and push her chair in. "Senri please stay here, I'm going to talk with her outside of class okay?"


Rima then took Sina outside of the classroom by her right arm before they went down the hall a bit so they were out of sight of Senri. "What's gotten you so upset? Obviously you are holding a grudge against Senri about something and I want to know how I can fix it."

"You really do want to see us around one another...don't you?"

"For his sake and my own. I wouldn't mind being in a poly with you if you allow it to happen."

Sina let out a sigh before she ran her hands through her blond hair. "Alright...fine, I'll tell you what that asshole bastard did. But you asked for it."

Rima looked confused as she heard what her response was, but she kept quiet wanting to know just what did Senri do to make her hate him so badly. After she heard everything from her end of things, Rima understood then why she was salty towards him. Rima had a feeling that Sina at the young age she was at clung to that small friendship that Senri gave her and when he left and didn't return for weeks-it made her feel like she didn't have a friend anymore.

"I'll talk to him about it, but please...don't shut yourself in too soon. I do want to be your friend and would like it if we'd get to know one another so we can work together in a poly with Senri."

"I can do that, just know that if things become bad I will leave out without telling either one of you and find someone else to be around."

Rima nodded her head before she hugged the blond female tightly "I can work with that, now let's get to class alright?"

"Alright...thanks for not blowing up on me Rima."

"Why would I? You know what type of lives Senri and I live, and to be honest I was the one who introduced him to the books you came from in our time-line. Reading those books and seeing the beautiful woman you are in person are two different things." Rima said happily as she laced her hand with Sina's

Sina gave her a half smile back as the two of them walked back into the room together. Once the two girls sat back down Rima glared at Senri "After class we are going to need to talk mister."

"Yes Rimi..."

[Complete] Book one: Dreamless Love [Senri Shiki Love story] Plush! AUWhere stories live. Discover now