“I understand and I'm really glad you had the courage to get rid of that blockage last night... I still can't believe what happened”

Wednesday just nodded silently as he put the pile of leaves away.

“You didn't go to lunch" she added, changing the subject when she realised she wouldn't get a comment on the redhead's confession "What were you doing at lunch?”

“I was resisting the urge to rip the smiles off the faces of a few idiots”

“I'm not sure I understood" the she-wolf commented with a frown.

“Apparently today they've agreed to look at me as I walk by, talk softly, and smile" the psychic explained annoyed.

“That might be because I might have posted on my blog that I'm dating a certain girl" the blonde mumbled, trying to sound innocent.

“You've got to be kidding me" snarled the goth with a murderous look on her face.

“We're trending at Nevermore, they're just curious Wedns" she said trying to minimize the situation. “Now let's get you something to eat”

“I'd rather avoid the stares. Besides, I have no appetite:

“Are you sure?”


“All right, in that case... Do you want to do something?” she asked as she rocked nervously on her heels.

“A walk in the cemetery would be nice, the weather is more than suitable, but I know you don't enjoy rainy days. So... what's your proposal?”

Fill you with kisses she thought instantly but held back and instead picked up his laptop and carried it over to her bed.

“How about watching a movie?” she said as she tapped beside her to get Wednesday to come closer.

The brunette positioned herself without protest and the blonde admired her for a brief moment before beginning her search for something to look at.

“Hmmm, what do you say we take a look at this one?” the she-wolf suggested while pointing out legally blonde

“I've already had the misfortune of seeing it" commented the smaller one nonchalantly.

“All right, we'll choose another one then" said the lycanthrope as she continued passing other titles until her head clicked, there was something that didn't make sense, "How come you've already seen that movie? I thought you only watched stuff like that with me”

“Tyler, on our date at the grave…

“OKEY! I don't want to know about your date with your ex" she growled in annoyance "I'd rather not imagine what happened there”

“We only saw the movie, there's nothing to imagine Sinclair”

“You're talking about your ex and you call me Sinclair!” she complained pouting.

“I don't get your point. You're Enid Sinclair, plus you asked”

“But we're girlfriends now, Wends! Couples give each other cute nicknames and don't talk about exes”

“I won't talk about Tyler again... but I don't think I'm ready for nicknames" she said after a few seconds of silence.

“Okay, no pressure. I was just kidding about the nickname thing, I understand you have your times" she said as she turned her attention back to the screen, "Is there a title you're interested in?”

“No, but pick that one or we'll spend the whole afternoon waiting for you to make up your mind" ordered the goth, pointing to Fear Street.

“You're exaggerating! “the blonde complained before playing the film.

Normally she would feel paralysed in front of a horror film but she wasn't the least bit interested in what they were watching, her attention was rather focused on the black-haired girl next to her, in the elegance of her posture, in her delicate scent, in how the light illuminated her face, in her slow breathing and in those lips, she still couldn't understand how they belonged to her now, she didn't feel worthy but at the same time she longed for them, she didn't have the courage to kiss her as soon as she saw her but her resistance had limits so she stopped looking at her shamelessly and turned her attention for the first time to the screen that for her misfortune was displaying a somewhat heated kissing scene between the protagonist and her girlfriend that only increased the desire to savour those thick lips of the girl next to her so without delaying things any longer she paused the screen.

“Can I kiss you?” she blurted out almost in an outburst.

Wednesday looked at her in confusion for a few seconds making a failed effort not to blush, but the way the she-wolf was looking at her mouth worked against her, so she nodded emphatically giving the requested permission. Enid licked her lips and the action attracted the gaze of the brunette who was slowly leaning towards her partner so the blonde without wasting any more time took her hand to the gothic's face and placed her lips on Wednesday's with an intensity that denoted how much she needed to feel them again, the psychic despite looking more serene let out a sigh of relief as soon as they made contact. They stood there, static for a prolonged moment after their reunion.

They kissed leisurely for several minutes, taking the time to sweetly explore every detail of each other's mouths. Enid was the first to pull away to catch her breath, resting her forehead on Wednesday's who couldn't contain an eminent smile that the she-wolf certainly didn't miss.

“For God's sake Wends, you're going to kill me right now" she whispered as the smaller one watched her curiously.

“Did I do something wrong?” she questioned, lazily running her fingers through her girlfriend's golden hair.

“Hmmm... just one thing" she said, taking a little distance to observe her "Not smiling more often, how come I never saw those dimples? You have a beautiful smile Wends" she exclaimed kissing her cheeks almost roughly as the gothic girl made an effort to return to her usual expression but it felt so good under the lycanthrope's attention that she simply stopped trying and let herself get caught up in the tender moment.

“You've made a mess of me”

“Great, because I just fell in love with my girlfriend's smile” she confessed, leaving delicate kisses on the psychic's lips.

“That's a big mistake...you won't see her very often" the redhead teased mischievously.

“Then there will be no more kisses" the she-wolf replied and pulled away suddenly, leaving the goth following her lips for a few seconds.

“That's extortion Sinclair" Wednesday scowled, "You're playing dirty”

“I picked up a few tricks from my roommate... You should be proud”

“I am," the seer confessed with a small smile so Enid leaned in and kissed her enthusiastically as she pressed her hands on the smaller girl's hips.

Each kiss pushed Wednesday's back onto the bed so that she was subdued under the blonde's body as she explored her mouth provocatively; running her tongue over her girlfriend's. Her heart pounded against her chest just feeling the tentative hands caress her back as inexperienced lips tried to keep up. She was proud, no one would dare such closeness with the dark-haired girl, only she had the privilege of something so intimate and if it wasn't for the intensity of the situation she would think she was daydreaming.

In an attempt to find a more comfortable position the gothic woman bent her knee to settle herself, but without realising it her thigh made direct contact with the now throbbing crotch of the she-wolf who felt dizzy at the increased heat shooting up in her belly and had to force herself to stifle a moan.

There was no doubt in Enid's mind, she wanted Wednesday in every way but knowing the seer she knew they were due a talk before things went too far.

“I know it's led to this but... can we stop for a moment?” The blonde murmured, barely moving away from her girlfriend's lips.

The seer smiled subtly as she responded with a delicate kiss. For Enid the simple touch was like a flame that ignited every particle of her being so she came to the conclusion that if she didn't stop now she might end up doing something that would make her girlfriend uncomfortable.

“I think there's something we should talk about" she whispered as if the words were heavy in her mouth "Is the cemetery tour still available?”

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