𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞

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Chapter 3.

Chapter 3

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I stood in the hallway, astonished by the mansion we moved in. It was the second day of moving in here while being in my gown with my teddy bear clutched inside my arms, I held it as if it would leave me for eternity. "Wow.." I said, amazed. I wondered how my mommy and daddy bought this clean and organized house. I heard whispers in the large kitchen, judgment or not I began walking towards them and reached onto the floorboard of the kitchen. "Oh Randall, you're here!" My mom yelped happily. running from her chair and to me as she hugged tightly, She buried my head into her chest. "Hi mom." I smiled, feeling really happy. I looked at my dad in the chairs, he didn't look happy but it was probably because we just moved here. I then looked back at my mom as she pulled away and guided me to sit at the kitchen table, "Sit down, child." she said. I sat myself down on the chair across from my dad and beside my mom, dad didn't look at me like he always did at dinner. It didn't feel right to me, it felt like he changed even if his expression changed for a second. I didn't know why he felt this way since he always talked about getting a mansion to mother whenever he wanted to achieve his goals and "get away" from his job in peace, but now it was like he regretted saying everything about it. "Dad?" I spoke, raising a brow. "No son, I'm eating right now." He replied harshly, his eyelids drooping and looking towards me.

My mom looked towards me. "Don't worry dear, he's just feeling a little tired today all because of work." she smiled sweetly and ruffled through my hair, it made me to feel comforted. I closed my eyes and almost fell asleep due to her soothing touch until dad slammed his fist on the table, causing me to jump. "Eat!" He yelled, it would've been crazy if he jumped over the table and tackled me to the hard ground. "David!" My mom yelled at dad and gave him a stern look on her face. "You cannot treat your own son like that, what has happened to make you so cruel to him all of a sudden!?" she continued, "You have acted unpleasant ever since you found out our son would hold the rest of the bloodline to keep going when he grew up, it's like you don't even believe in his achievements, his rewards, his work, his grades, heck! Even his existence at this point." She was always annoyed whenever someone would insult or do anything to a member in our family. "You don't even know that, you don't know how hard I work for my job. It's not surprising coming from a mom who would do anything for their "Precious" child" he mocked, he sounded different...

I sneakily ran from the table and into my large bedroom with multiple sets of windows.

I sneakily ran from the table and into my large bedroom with multiple sets of windows

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I ran into my bed and hopped onto it. Laying on my stomach and then rolling over on my back to meet my male black and white spotted cat "Tobias" on my stomach, "Oh hello, Toby" I talked to him. petting his head softly, making him put and lean into my hand more. "Daddy's been acting different ever since we moved, I don't know why though. He wanted this, we all wanted this but then it's like he regretted moving." I spoke to Tobias, all Tobias could do to respond was pur and lay on my chest. "Even daddy looked at me with wrath. He never gives me that look! I don't think he's okay, should I maybe ask him what's wrong?" I looked at him with concern. Tobias let out a little "Meow" from his mouth. as if he was saying, "Yes, go along and ask him." I nodded my head slowly and then hopped out of my bed. I ran outside my bedroom, into the hallway, and into the kitchen. "Dad?" I raised my voice for him to hear me, I looked around and didn't see Dad nor mom around this time. I walked back into the hallway and into Dad's bedroom, seeing him holding an object while sitting on the edge of the bed. I couldn't make out what it was but I walked towards his bed, beginning to speak. "Father, What has been wrong with you?" I asked, He gave me a look of anger as his eyes widened and his eyebrows narrowed. "What did you say, Randy?" He spoke with wrath, the nickname was pretty sweet though. "Are you listening to your mother!?" He yelled, I tried speaking again but then he interrupted me. "You're gonna become like your mother huh? HUH!? Is that what you WANT!?" He screeched, he scratched the left side of my neck with the knife and the object was a razer blade... Of course. "Ow!" I yelped, looking at him with fear. "Why did you do that!?" I yelled, I was defenseless after all. "Don't question me, alright?" He said ignorantly, it was like he didn't realize what he just did. "Dad, my neck is bleeding!" I yelped, pressing my palm against the cut to stop the blood from pouring a mess. His eyelids drooped like they did at the dinner table, "Handle it." he said gently. "Also thanks for distracting me from my work, I appreciate it. Randall." He added with annoyance, "Now go clean yourself up, I don't want to have to wipe the dirty bloody carpet just because of your mess." He scoffed. I nodded and kept where my palm was, I ran into the bathroom and opened the mirror. I pulled one bandaid out and lifted my palm from my neck, wrapped the bandaid around the side. I closed the mirror and looked at myself through it, annoyed by the fact my own dad would hurt me.

"How could you..." I muttered under my breath and then went back to my bedroom, going back to bed and laying down with Tobias. "He didn't like it." I said, frowning. He just looked at me with his immune facial expression like always, i couldn't tell if he was actually trying to express feelings or if he was trying to comfort me with his gaze. "I don't think Dad likes me." I said this with worry, worried that dad won't love me anymore.

My mom came inside the bedroom and sat against the bed, she looked upset and concerned. "Here Randy, take this music box" She placed the music box into my hand, keeping it there. "It's a gift." She smiled, "Sorry about your father's attitude, he has just been having a tough time lately. That's all." She explained. She looked at the bandaid gripping onto my neck securely, raising a brow. "What happened?" She asked, observing every movement I make. "Oh, I just itched my neck a lot and caused a bleeding scar so i healed it with the bandaid." I lied, clearly she believed it. "Oh alright." She went back to smiling, ruffling my hair. "Anyways, you stay here and..." She paused on her words. "I just need to do something." she then frowned and got off the bed, walking out of the bedroom and closing the door behind her.

I guess it's just me and Tobias again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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